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2011 schedule

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2011 schedule Empty 2011 schedule

Post by Geezaldinho Wed Jan 19, 2011 11:05 pm

we are probably two months from UP announcing our schedule. Though we have an idea of some of our non conference foes, we have no idea when. Either UNC or Stanford will presumably be our big labor day headliner.

UW announced their schedule, which gives us a start on where and who we will be playing. They also mention their field will be revamped. I wonder if it will be level?

They open with BYU, who we will see during conference, and it appears the 20 year home- home tournament schedule with UW will continue with a slight modification. The PAC12 starts play next year taking away two non conference games for PAC12 schools, so it appears we will be including UW as one of our Nike Tournament games.

Here are our games :

Sept. 2 Seattle U. in Seattle - Husky Nike Classic
(presumably at UW, thought the men played at Seattle U for their second tournament game last year.)

Sept. 4 Boston U. At UW Husky Nike Classic

Sept. 9 UW at Portland - Portland Nike invitational

Sept. 11 New Mexico at Portland - Portland Nike Invitational
<edit> see later post.

Last edited by Purplegeezer on Thu Jan 20, 2011 12:03 am; edited 2 times in total
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2011 schedule Empty Re: 2011 schedule

Post by UPSoccerFanatic Wed Jan 19, 2011 11:20 pm

Very interesting so far. Assuming there's a mutual discussion between Portland and UW about the teams they bring in for their tournaments, I'm guessing that the Pilots overall have set an easier schedule for themselves this coming year. Given all the graduates, that makes a lot of sense to me. But, Boston U and New Mexico probably should be good teams to be playing for RPI purposes since they both have had good records recently.

Just checked and I sure was right about RPI contributions, if we're looking at the contributions BU and New Mexico made to their opponents' RPIs this year: For strength of schedule purposes, BU was the 24th best team to have played in terms of what they contributed to your strength of schedule and New Mexico was the 20th best team to have played. Go figure!

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2011 schedule Empty Re: 2011 schedule

Post by PurplePrideTrumpet Wed Jan 19, 2011 11:26 pm

We've played Stanford and should have one coming back to us, so that makes sense. Just curious where the UNC guess came from.


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2011 schedule Empty Re: 2011 schedule

Post by Geezaldinho Wed Jan 19, 2011 11:34 pm

I recall mention of it last fall from several sources, including UNC sources.

I was mistaken about New Mexico. UW plays them Sept. 11, not Portland.

Either we will play them a couple of days before or after, or there will be another team coming in the 11th.

My guess is another team is coming in...

Here's UW's full schedule:
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2011 schedule Empty Re: 2011 schedule

Post by gnarly Sat Jan 22, 2011 5:49 pm

I see UW is not playing USC. Do they all have 10 conference games this year?

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2011 schedule Empty Re: 2011 schedule

Post by DaTruRochin Sun Jan 23, 2011 12:47 am

Remember the Pac 10 is now the Pac 12, and USC is in the Pac 12 South, I'm not sure if the scheduling means they will play all 11 other teams...

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2011 schedule Empty Re: 2011 schedule

Post by gnarly Sun Jan 23, 2011 11:19 am

They have UCLA on their schedule. We'll just have to wait to see once other pac 10 ( i mean 12) teams post their schedule. UW is one of the earliest to post theirs

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2011 schedule Empty Re: 2011 schedule

Post by Geezaldinho Sun Jan 23, 2011 11:45 am

I remember a pac12 announcement that teams besides football would play the whole conference. I'm wondering if UW already had contract issues it couldn't back out of. The UP tournament looks like one of the only places they had wiggle room, if UP cooperated.
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2011 schedule Empty Re: 2011 schedule

Post by PurplePrideTrumpet Mon Jan 24, 2011 10:34 pm

It appears we will not be playing Oregon this year.


They do play SCU at their tournament in Eugene. Also, they have 10 conference games, and they play Utah, but that one is not marked as a conference game.

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2011 schedule Empty Re: 2011 schedule

Post by Geezaldinho Tue Jan 25, 2011 1:24 am

PurplePrideTrumpet wrote:It appears we will not be playing Oregon this year.


They do play SCU at their tournament in Eugene. Also, they have 10 conference games, and they play Utah, but that one is not marked as a conference game.

We won't even play them in the Spring. I've got their date at Concordia April 2 on my calendar, thought...
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2011 schedule Empty Re: 2011 schedule

Post by jc Tue Jan 25, 2011 7:13 am

If no Ducks I would hope for the Beavers to return to our fall schedule. That could be quite a game against a strong improving program. So far the OSU schedule does not appear to be published.

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2011 schedule Empty Re: 2011 schedule

Post by keeper Tue Jan 25, 2011 12:16 pm

Agree with JC, I hope the Beavers are on the schedule. That would be a great test for both teams. I'm predicting sell-out in either team's stadium. It might be interesting to see them put it at the new PGE park to see how many fans they could get. Issue a fan challenge and go for the attendance record. Very Happy

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2011 schedule Empty Re: 2011 schedule

Post by purple haze Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:18 pm

Some women's team needs to be first to break the gender barrier at the new PGE Park.
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2011 schedule Empty Re: 2011 schedule

Post by UPSoccerFanatic Fri Feb 04, 2011 9:39 pm

According to the Washington State website, they're playing the Pilots on August 26 at Merlo. That gives us, so far:

8/26: WSU @ Merlo
9/2: Seattle @ UW
9/4: Boston U @ UW
9/9: UW @ Portland

In addition, we have the WCC games, which now are eight games when we include BYU.

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2011 schedule Empty Re: 2011 schedule

Post by slick Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:26 am

Of interest to many here in the Nation: The annual release of "Pliny the Younger" was yesterday (Feb 4) here in Sonoma County.


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2011 schedule Empty Re: 2011 schedule

Post by DaTruRochin Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:33 am

Hahaha we had some conversations about that in the basketball forum... But Geez won't tell us his secret public house out of fear some of us will sneak in and quaff his beloved ale...

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2011 schedule Empty Re: 2011 schedule

Post by Geezaldinho Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:51 am

slick wrote:Of interest to many here in the Nation: The annual release of "Pliny the Younger" was yesterday (Feb 4) here in Sonoma County.

Cool! That makes Tuesday PTY Day up here!

As to where my personal pub is, if you had been paying attention earlier, you'd know.
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2011 schedule Empty Re: 2011 schedule

Post by UPSoccerFanatic Sat Feb 05, 2011 12:09 pm

Purplegeezer wrote:
slick wrote:Of interest to many here in the Nation: The annual release of "Pliny the Younger" was yesterday (Feb 4) here in Sonoma County.

Cool! That makes Tuesday PTY Day up here!

As to where my personal pub is, if you had been paying attention earlier, you'd know.

As a matter of fact, the Geez dispatched me there for lunch one day, as it literally is just down the street, and after I'd downed my Pliny's, I had to spend the afternoon napping. To say it's full-bodied would not do it justice!

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2011 schedule Empty Re: 2011 schedule

Post by slick Sat Feb 05, 2011 4:10 pm

As most devotees of Pilot Nation and UP academic standards are aware, Pliny the Older and Pliny the Younger were Roman writers and historians in the first century A.D.


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2011 schedule Empty Re: 2011 schedule

Post by Geezaldinho Sat Feb 05, 2011 4:15 pm

slick wrote:As most devotees of Pilot Nation and UP academic standards are aware, Pliny the Older and Pliny the Younger were Roman writers and historians in the first century A.D.


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2011 schedule Empty Re: 2011 schedule

Post by onetouchfutbol Sun Feb 06, 2011 8:57 am

DaTruRochin wrote:Remember the Pac 10 is now the Pac 12, and USC is in the Pac 12 South, I'm not sure if the scheduling means they will play all 11 other teams...

I'm not sure if that's the reason for women's soccer though. Stanford and Cal/UC Berkley are both on the schedule, and my understanding was that all of the California schools would be in the Pac-12 South. There are years when one team is left off the schedule. I'm not sure if there's much more to it than that...

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2011 schedule Empty Re: 2011 schedule

Post by Indigo Kid Tue Feb 08, 2011 7:13 am

Did I miss this in this thread somewhere:
From BigSoccer Florida State 2011 Thread:
Thanks to Cliveworshipper for breaking the news, Florida State will play at Portland on August 21st! I am super excited for this game, an awesome early test for the Noles, played at one of the finest facilities in the nation
Can I get tickets yet!!!!!
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2011 schedule Empty Re: 2011 schedule

Post by Indigo Kid Mon Feb 28, 2011 10:00 am

Santa Clara match looks to be tentatively scheduled for Friday Oct. 21 at Portland. Key match up!!
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2011 schedule Empty Re: 2011 schedule

Post by Geezaldinho Mon Feb 28, 2011 10:20 am

Indigo Kid wrote:
Can I get tickets yet!!!!!

You can if you renewed you season tickets Very Happy
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2011 schedule Empty Re: 2011 schedule

Post by DJ Sherman Tue Mar 01, 2011 4:26 pm

So far great strategy by the visitors for two crucial games: FSU two weeks before school starts and Santa Clara on the second Friday of Fall Break, when most of the students will be gone.

I can't vouch for the Villa Drum squad 5 and 7 months in advance, but those games will thrive from great alumni, season ticket holders and community support. Good luck all!
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