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WPS on FSC schedule...

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WPS on FSC schedule... Empty WPS on FSC schedule...

Post by onetouchfutbol Sat Mar 21, 2009 9:43 pm

I don't know about you, but, I'll be supporting the WPS by trying to catch a few of the games at soccer bars on Sundays on the Fox Soccer Channel.

Milbrett and Sinclair will be on the April 5th game for Bay Area, and Rapino on April 19th for Chicago...

I'm not sure where the best soccer bars in the PDX area are; a few have sprouted up here in Seattle.

There are many games on 3 pm on (6 pm EST) on Sundays posted. I'm having trouble posting the link, but, it's at www.msn.foxsports.com/soccer

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WPS on FSC schedule... Empty Re: WPS on FSC schedule...

Post by onetouchfutbol Fri Apr 03, 2009 6:56 pm

Milbrett and Sinclair make their debut on Sunday at 3 pm Pacific on FSC (6 pm ET), I believe... Bay Area vs. Boston.

I'm still having trouble posting the link. Maybe someone can google WPS on FSC on Sundays and post the schedule on a tiny URL. (Then teach me how to do the tiny URLs since all that I know how to do is copy and paste addresses and links. Thanks.)

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WPS on FSC schedule... Empty Re: WPS on FSC schedule...

Post by mattywizz Fri Apr 03, 2009 7:45 pm

Is that game in Boston or the Bay Area? I am actually going to Boston on Sunday...

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WPS on FSC schedule... Empty Re: WPS on FSC schedule...

Post by Geezaldinho Fri Apr 03, 2009 10:15 pm

the link to the schedule is at


Fox is screwing with you.

if you bookmark the link and look at the URL, it shows up as

http://msn.foxsports.com/other/story/9177284/Women's Professional Soccer on FSC

which I just pasted into the edit box.

The edit box will make a valid link of that, too, and will highlight it as such. But an apostrophe isn't valid in a url link according to the edit box, so it just stops there
(click before and after the apostrophe and see)

I just made a link out of the valid part and it worked.

Note also that what's actually in the URL box in your browser is the clipped part.
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WPS on FSC schedule... Empty Re: WPS on FSC schedule...

Post by onetouchfutbol Sat Apr 04, 2009 8:33 pm

mattywizz wrote:Is that game in Boston or the Bay Area? I am actually going to Boston on Sunday...

The game is in the the bay area. Have fun in Boston. Great town.

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WPS on FSC schedule... Empty Re: WPS on FSC schedule...

Post by PurplePrideTrumpet Sat Apr 04, 2009 10:02 pm

Hey matty, tell Garnett Lamarcus says hi and thanks for the chest bump. Wink

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WPS on FSC schedule... Empty Re: WPS on FSC schedule...

Post by onetouchfutbol Sun Apr 05, 2009 8:39 am

So, Milbrett and Sinclair make their debut today at 3 pm on FSC. I'll be watching after Church in the afternoon...

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WPS on FSC schedule... Empty Re: WPS on FSC schedule...

Post by onetouchfutbol Sun Apr 05, 2009 5:21 pm

Milbrett scored the game winning goal! 2-1 FC Gold Pride over Boston. A number of players looked good in the game, including Tiffany Wiemer of Penn State for the Gold Pride...and Lilly has not lost a beat either. She was dangerous for Boston several times. Millie came in for Sinclair around the 68th minute shortly after Chastain entered the game...

It was extremely annoying to hear Amy Rodriguez being called A-Rod. Maybe she's had that nickname for a long time, but, seriously who would want that?

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WPS on FSC schedule... Empty Re: WPS on FSC schedule...

Post by Auto Pilot Sun Apr 05, 2009 5:33 pm

I know that Amy first got the Arod nickname as a youth player and did not like it much. She must have accepted it by now because I think even Pia uses it. FSC ought to do the announcing via "Fan Zone" from the UK. They are really bad. And what is with Puma admonishing fans to keep the balls that go into the stands.

Why is Puma trying to push the WPS out of the mainstream of the rest of the world in soccer tradition. Throwing the game ball back out on the field makes the the people in stands a part of the game and not just consumers.
Auto Pilot
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WPS on FSC schedule... Empty Re: WPS on FSC schedule...

Post by onetouchfutbol Sun Apr 05, 2009 5:36 pm

Yeah, well, I was happy for Tiffany. On the negative side, the reception on FSC is really blurry even dark colors like the black on Bay Area's uniforms seem to bleed. The announcers need to pump up the enthusiasm a bit too.

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WPS on FSC schedule... Empty Re: WPS on FSC schedule...

Post by Geezaldinho Sun Apr 05, 2009 5:39 pm

Before you break too hard on Puma, I recall that there were a LOT of balls that didn't make it back onto the field in the World Cup and the Olympics. The first couple of times, the ushers tried to get the balls back but were causing a commotion, so they gave up.

Puma probably sees it as a marketing opportunity.
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WPS on FSC schedule... Empty Re: WPS on FSC schedule...

Post by onetouchfutbol Sun Apr 05, 2009 5:52 pm

If they saved all the money from the balls that go into the stands, maybe they could actually try to put the games in HD or something... Just a thought. Idea (I'm joking of course...the money from the number of balls lost probably won't add to that much...)

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WPS on FSC schedule... Empty Re: WPS on FSC schedule...

Post by Auto Pilot Sun Apr 05, 2009 7:41 pm

AJ my reception seemed normal. Maybe you were just having trouble with that particular channel. I thought the all black was cool I still don't like the supergirl look of the top of the kits. You keep expecting to see a cape following when they turn around.

Was happy for Tiff. I thought when they subbed her for Sinclair ..."a Pilot for a Pilot" and she got the game winner. What a huge jump from not even being drafted and having to try out for the team.

All in all though, Wiemer was somewhat of a loner up top. The same way she played for Penn State. I think the Sol is having a good opening I heard Marta scored two today for their second win of the season. It appears Marta has taken a fondness for the physical US play. That was a question mark in my mind when I found out she played in a league that did not allow tackling. I guess you have to get near her to tackle.

Did you see the Erika of Brazil today whiff the ball then get a bloody nose a couple minutes later? Welcome to the WPS. Lily still has it but I hope we see Chastain off the field I didn't see anything special out of her.

A young local player (San Diego) that had a big game for the Bay Area team Leghn Ann Robinson. You heard her name called quite a bit. Not a marquee player but she seems to be hitting stride at this point in her career.

Smith is going to be a star of the league to nobody's surprise. She would have been more dangerous but Carrie Dew did a good job on her. Osborne showed us dominance of the midfield until she ran out of gas. I wonder how she will match up against Boxx? Who knew Heather Mitts had world class speed. I thought her time was up when she started her broadcasting career.
Auto Pilot
Auto Pilot

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WPS on FSC schedule... Empty Re: WPS on FSC schedule...

Post by onetouchfutbol Sun Apr 05, 2009 10:12 pm

No, I wasn't having any trouble with the channel. The group that I went out with didn't really like the resolution of the game very much when we saw the opener at the sports bar a week ago either. The uniforms really seem to bleed a lot on the screen no matter what color the players are wearing. The camara work for the close ups seems okay, but, once they try to cover the majority of the field, it gets pretty bad in my opinion. I think FSC could do a better job; that's all.

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WPS on FSC schedule... Empty Re: WPS on FSC schedule...

Post by UPSoccerFanatic Sun Apr 05, 2009 11:53 pm

The story about Marta's league not allowing tackling is wrong. I can't remember where I saw the story played out, but it's an error.

I agree with the comments about Weimer. She had a great assist on FC's first goal, but she hot dogs too much.

We have DirecTV, and we have no color problems with FSN.

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WPS on FSC schedule... Empty Re: WPS on FSC schedule...

Post by onetouchfutbol Mon Apr 06, 2009 1:19 pm

Let me clarify. The color problems are not major issues it's just that with getting spoiled by watching some games in HD, you start to notice when colors bleed when players are running (especially when the game is on HD tv at a gym or a plasma at a sports bar). When we saw the first game at a sports bar, everyone who I was with (to a person) felt that the colors were bleeding a lot...especially compared to the NBA games going on side by side. In the second game, the color of the jerseys were still bleeding a lot. I saw the games two different times in different places, and the result was the same. I just think that FSC should put some more money into it; that's all. It seems like they are willing to compromise the quality of the product because it's a women's sport in a tough economy in my opinion. The resolution of the recent World Cup Qualifying matches on ESPN2 has been much better in my opinion (for comparison's sake)...

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WPS on FSC schedule... Empty Re: WPS on FSC schedule...

Post by DaTruRochin Mon Apr 06, 2009 1:40 pm

FSC did just win the rights to broadcast the UEFA Champions League... Hopefully HD is in the near future (I seem to recall reading somewhere that it was...) But that said most of the games streaming from Europe are definitely not in the highest quality of HD on ESPN right now, but that's another topic...

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WPS on FSC schedule... Empty Re: WPS on FSC schedule...

Post by onetouchfutbol Mon Apr 06, 2009 3:31 pm

Nice. That would be an improvement. Highlights of the game are on the video on the far right of this link (at least for now until they put up a different video at the site):


You've got to love the, "Milbrett, YE-E-E-S!!" yell at the time of the goal...

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WPS on FSC schedule... Empty Milbrett scores and wins!!!!!!!!!!

Post by estplnr Mon Apr 06, 2009 4:10 pm

Tiff gathered in a deflected shot in the 90minute yesterday and buried the winner past two defenders......!!!!!!!!!! She was a very happy camper!!!
NO ink at all about her match.......in the Oregonian.......not even the final....2-1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!


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WPS on FSC schedule... Empty Re: WPS on FSC schedule...

Post by UPSoccerFanatic Mon Apr 06, 2009 9:06 pm

estplnr wrote:[right]
Tiff gathered in a deflected shot in the 90minute yesterday and buried the winner past two defenders......!!!!!!!!!! She was a very happy camper!!!
NO ink at all about her match.......in the Oregonian.......not even the final....2-1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, no listing of the game on FSN in the sports page TV listings; and no report of any of the WPS game results in the sports results section.

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WPS on FSC schedule... Empty Re: WPS on FSC schedule...

Post by Auto Pilot Tue Apr 07, 2009 1:02 pm

Do you think the O will ignore the WPS unless Portland gets a team?
Auto Pilot
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WPS on FSC schedule... Empty Re: WPS on FSC schedule...

Post by DaTruRochin Tue Apr 07, 2009 4:53 pm

Auto Pilot wrote:Do you think the O will ignore the WPS unless Portland gets a team?

Yes. An occasional blurb might get mention off of an AP wire, but unless the league makes some footing (or enough subscribers complain) I would expect VERY little, if any, WPS news...

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WPS on FSC schedule... Empty Re: WPS on FSC schedule...

Post by onetouchfutbol Tue Apr 07, 2009 6:22 pm

DaTruRochin wrote:
Auto Pilot wrote:Do you think the O will ignore the WPS unless Portland gets a team?

Yes. An occasional blurb might get mention off of an AP wire, but unless the league makes some footing (or enough subscribers complain) I would expect VERY little, if any, WPS news...

It's taken a ton of e-mails to get the online version of Seattle PI to start to pay attention to the Sounders FC. You'll be lucky even to get AP wire columns on the WPS... Unfortunately, the media seems to think it responds to the popularity of sports instead of partially creating that popularity...

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WPS on FSC schedule... Empty Re: WPS on FSC schedule...

Post by onetouchfutbol Fri Apr 17, 2009 5:51 pm

It looks like Rapinoe will be on FSC again next Sunday...

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WPS on FSC schedule... Empty Re: WPS on FSC schedule...

Post by Guest Fri Apr 17, 2009 6:03 pm

I read some comments earlier on this thread about the resolution of FSC.

There was an article about FSC getting the rights to the Champions League and that they were upgrading their service to HD by the end of 2009.

Good news although we have to wait until next year to enjoy...


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