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Other scores - Week 5

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Other scores  - Week 5 Empty Other scores - Week 5

Post by Geezaldinho Thu Sep 23, 2010 9:20 am

The ACC season starts today, so there will be some good ones.
some of these teams will come down to earth.

Duke - Wake

And, of course, we wait with bated breath to see the outcome of

Stanford - Hawaii
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Other scores  - Week 5 Empty Re: Other scores - Week 5

Post by Geezaldinho Thu Sep 23, 2010 5:23 pm

UNC up on BC 1-0 in the 60th Tied at 1 all one minute later

UVA up on VT 2-0 in the 65th
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Other scores  - Week 5 Empty Re: Other scores - Week 5

Post by ktinpurple Thu Sep 23, 2010 5:26 pm

can anyone send the gametracker link? Any game will do lol
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Other scores  - Week 5 Empty Re: Other scores - Week 5

Post by ktinpurple Thu Sep 23, 2010 5:28 pm

im a dork. i got it.
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Other scores  - Week 5 Empty Re: Other scores - Week 5

Post by Geezaldinho Thu Sep 23, 2010 5:29 pm

go here and click on the link

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Other scores  - Week 5 Empty Re: Other scores - Week 5

Post by Geezaldinho Thu Sep 23, 2010 5:30 pm

UNC scored in the 63rd

Now 2-1 UNC
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Other scores  - Week 5 Empty Re: Other scores - Week 5

Post by Geezaldinho Thu Sep 23, 2010 5:32 pm

The UNC game is here, BTW

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Other scores  - Week 5 Empty Re: Other scores - Week 5

Post by Geezaldinho Thu Sep 23, 2010 5:33 pm

Now BC score!

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Other scores  - Week 5 Empty Re: Other scores - Week 5

Post by Geezaldinho Thu Sep 23, 2010 5:40 pm

Now 3-2 BC over UNC on a bad keeper error - missed a rolling pass into the box
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Other scores  - Week 5 Empty Re: Other scores - Week 5

Post by onetouchfutbol Thu Sep 23, 2010 5:44 pm

Wow...was Boston College this good last year...or have they kind of come out of nowhere? It's impressive when schools put together strides or some good recruiting...

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Other scores  - Week 5 Empty Re: Other scores - Week 5

Post by Geezaldinho Thu Sep 23, 2010 5:54 pm

A final

UVA 3 : 0 VT
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Other scores  - Week 5 Empty Re: Other scores - Week 5

Post by Geezaldinho Thu Sep 23, 2010 5:56 pm

onetouchfutbol wrote:Wow...was Boston College this good last year...or have they kind of come out of nowhere? It's impressive when schools put together strides or some good recruiting...

BC has had geat recruiting for several years. They beat UNC last year. They just haven't put it ll together over a season.

Some have them favored to win the conference.
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Other scores  - Week 5 Empty Re: Other scores - Week 5

Post by irish78 Thu Sep 23, 2010 5:57 pm

BC 3 - North Carolina 2 final


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Other scores  - Week 5 Empty Re: Other scores - Week 5

Post by Geezaldinho Thu Sep 23, 2010 5:58 pm

BC wins! UNC drops to 7th in the RPI, BC goes to 2nd, we go back to 3rd
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Other scores  - Week 5 Empty Re: Other scores - Week 5

Post by Geezaldinho Thu Sep 23, 2010 6:09 pm

another final -

Wake 2 : 1 Duke
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Other scores  - Week 5 Empty Re: Other scores - Week 5

Post by dwm Thu Sep 23, 2010 6:41 pm

"UNC drops to 7th in the RPI, BC goes to 2nd, we go back to 3rd"

—but still ahead of Stanford (who will presumably fall further by playing Hawaii) and still easily first in "Approx Strength."
So I say Stanford shows up on Saturday night as the challenger.

But can anyone tell me where the "Approx Strength" numbers come from?


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Other scores  - Week 5 Empty Re: Other scores - Week 5

Post by Geezaldinho Thu Sep 23, 2010 6:46 pm

dwm wrote:"UNC drops to 7th in the RPI, BC goes to 2nd, we go back to 3rd"

—but still ahead of Stanford (who will presumably fall further by playing Hawaii) and still easily first in "Approx Strength."
So I say Stanford shows up on Saturday night as the challenger.

But can anyone tell me where the "Approx Strength" numbers come from?

First and second elements of the Opponent RPI. it's supposed to be a measure of how formidable an opponent you are.

it doesn't mean much, IMO.
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Other scores  - Week 5 Empty Re: Other scores - Week 5

Post by dwm Thu Sep 23, 2010 6:53 pm

Wouldn't that be the "SS," first column in the chart, which I'm guessing stands for strength of schedule? I think Approx Strength must be a measure that includes a good dose of your own results, or else why would UP rank higher in Approx Strength than in RPI?


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Other scores  - Week 5 Empty Re: Other scores - Week 5

Post by Geezaldinho Thu Sep 23, 2010 7:01 pm

UPSF wrote an exhaustive booklet you should download if you want to understand the nc-soccer columns. (I'm not sure I understand them all yet) Here's what he says on approx strength:
Approx Strength
This column is an approximate representation of what the team contributes to each of its opponents’ RPIs. Call this team “Team A” and its opponent “Team B.” Then with the overall RPI formula for Team B being (Team B’s Element 1 + (2 x Team B’s Element 2) + Team B’s Element 3)/4, and with Team A’s Element 1 becoming, approximately, its contribution to Team B’s Element 2 and Team A’s Element 2 becoming its contribution to Team B’s Element 3, this column is calculated as ((2 x Team A’s Element 1) + Team A’s Element 2)/4 and represents approximately what Team A contributes as strength of schedule to Team B’s RPI. The number is “approx” strength because it does not delete from Team A’s Element 1 the results of the game against Team B – in other words, it is Team A’s winning record against all opponents rather than against opponents other than Team B (which is what the RPI formula calls for). Nevertheless, it gives a good approximation of what it means to Team B’s strength of schedule to have played Team A.

The whole PDF is at http://www.bigsoccer.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=4700&d=1283398805
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Other scores  - Week 5 Empty Re: Other scores - Week 5

Post by Geezaldinho Thu Sep 23, 2010 7:16 pm

If that column were to be believed, teams would rather play UNC than Siena.

ever heard of Siena?
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Other scores  - Week 5 Empty Re: Other scores - Week 5

Post by DaTruRochin Thu Sep 23, 2010 7:31 pm

The Saints? whose mascot is a St. Bernard? (Only because they were a sleeper March Madness team the last few years...)

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Other scores  - Week 5 Empty Re: Other scores - Week 5

Post by eProf Thu Sep 23, 2010 8:29 pm

Stanford up on Hawaii 8-0 in the 62nd minute, with shots being 27-1.

For some reason, Stanford has been putting in lots of subs.
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Other scores  - Week 5 Empty Re: Other scores - Week 5

Post by Geezaldinho Thu Sep 23, 2010 8:52 pm

eProf wrote:Stanford up on Hawaii 8-0 in the 62nd minute, with shots being 27-1.

For some reason, Stanford has been putting in lots of subs.

10 -0 was the over/under

One more to go.
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Other scores  - Week 5 Empty Re: Other scores - Week 5

Post by Geezaldinho Thu Sep 23, 2010 9:18 pm

only a 9-0 win over Hawaii for Stanford. Call beat Hawaii 8-1 earlier this season.

Saturday should be interesting.
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Other scores  - Week 5 Empty Re: Other scores - Week 5

Post by UPSoccerFanatic Fri Sep 24, 2010 10:51 am

The SS number referred to in an earlier post is teams' strengths of schedule based on the average of their opponents' 2009 (last year's) RPIs. The Approx Strength number is what a team contributes to another team's strength of schedule based on its winning percentage and the average of its opponents' winning percentages. It's a function of how the RPI is constructed that even though the Pilots are ranked #3 by the RPI, they are the team with the best approximate strength, meaning that playing the Pilots does the best for an opponent's strength of schedule. Bad PC

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