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USD vs. Portland for the WCC Title!

Harry Redknapp
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Trenchcoat Wally
purple haze
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USD vs. Portland for the WCC Title! - Page 8 Empty Re: USD vs. Portland for the WCC Title!

Post by DaTruRochin Mon Nov 10, 2008 3:05 pm

But back to soccer... it's unfortunate Kendra played in parts of 6 games... She would be an excellent asset during the playoffs indeed...

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USD vs. Portland for the WCC Title! - Page 8 Empty Re: USD vs. Portland for the WCC Title!

Post by SoreKnees Mon Nov 10, 2008 3:12 pm

Is that too much to qualify for a medical red-shirt?
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USD vs. Portland for the WCC Title! - Page 8 Empty Re: USD vs. Portland for the WCC Title!

Post by Auto Pilot Mon Nov 10, 2008 3:17 pm

Thinking that the Original Purple Pride you are describing could have easily been the Lager Louts drunken
Auto Pilot
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USD vs. Portland for the WCC Title! - Page 8 Empty Re: USD vs. Portland for the WCC Title!

Post by DaTruRochin Mon Nov 10, 2008 3:17 pm

I'm not sure of the % of games you take to qualify... Cough Geezer, cough, help, cough.....

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USD vs. Portland for the WCC Title! - Page 8 Empty Re: USD vs. Portland for the WCC Title!

Post by DaTruRochin Mon Nov 10, 2008 3:20 pm

Haha, and yes we were indeed Lager Louts, unless of course the Beer Docks had a special.... AKA a $25 keg o' Tecate... Haha but at least we took away the taps and kicked people out 15 mins before the game so the neighbors couldn't complain, we were conscientious louts at least Give me Beer!

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USD vs. Portland for the WCC Title! - Page 8 Empty Re: USD vs. Portland for the WCC Title!

Post by Geezaldinho Mon Nov 10, 2008 3:42 pm

DaTruRochin wrote:I'm not sure of the % of games you take to qualify... Cough Geezer, cough, help, cough.....

Ahem.... here goes:

(b) The injury or illness occurs prior to the first competition of the second half of the playing season that
concludes with the NCAA championship in that sport (see Bylaw and results in incapacity to
compete for the remainder of that playing season; (Revised: 1/14/97 effective 8/1/97, 4/26/01 effective 8/1/01,
4/3/02, 4/24/08)
(c) In team sports, the injury or illness occurs when the student-athlete has not participated in more than three
contests or dates of competition (whichever is applicable to that sport) or 30 percent (whichever number is
greater) of the institution’s scheduled or completed contests or dates of competition in his or her sport. Only
scheduled or completed competition (including exempted events but excluding scrimmages and exhibition
contests identified as such in the legislation) against outside participants during the playing season that con-
cludes with the NCAA championship, or, if so designated, during the official NCAA championship playing season in that sport (e.g., spring baseball, fall soccer), shall be countable under this limitation in calculating
both the number of contests or dates of competition in which the student-athlete has participated and the
number of scheduled or completed contests or dates of competition during that season in the sport. Dates of
competition that are exempted (e.g., alumni contests, foreign team in U.S.) from the maximum permissible
number of contests or dates of competition shall count toward the number of contests or dates in which the
student-athlete has participated and the number of scheduled or completed contests or dates of competi-
tion in the season, except for scrimmages and exhibition contests that are specifically identified as such in
the sport’s Bylaw 17 playing and practice season regulations. Scrimmages and exhibition contests that are
not exempted from the maximum permissible number of contests or dates of competition may be excluded
from the calculation only if they are identified as such in the sport’s Bylaw 17 playing and practice season
regulations; and (Revised: 1/10/92, 1/14/97 effective 8/1/97, 4/26/01 effective 8/1/01, 3/10/04, 5/11/05, 8/4/05,
4/26/07 applicable to student-athletes who initially enrolled full time in a collegiate institution on or after 8/1/03,
9/18/07, 4/24/08)
(d) In individual sports, the injury or illness occurs when the student-athlete has not participated in more than
three dates of competition or 30 percent (whichever number is greater) of the maximum permissible number
of dates of competition as set forth in Bylaw 17 plus one date for a conference championship (e.g., gymnas-
tics: 13+1=14, wrestling: 16+1=17), regardless of whether the team participates in the conference champion-
ship, provided the institution is a member of a conference and the conference holds a championship event
in the applicable sport. Dates of competition that are exempted per Bylaw 17 (e.g., alumni contests, foreign
team in U.S.) from the maximum permissible number of dates of competition do not count toward the
number of dates in which the student-athlete has participated. (Adopted: 4/24/08)

All clear?

OK, it was in the first half of the year , so it meets (b)

It was 6 games she played in , and the maximum permissible dates for soccer is 20 (in UP's case more, since they are in the playoffs)
so it meets the "not more than 30%" standard.

So she can redshirt.
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USD vs. Portland for the WCC Title! - Page 8 Empty Re: USD vs. Portland for the WCC Title!

Post by SoreKnees Mon Nov 10, 2008 5:44 pm

Thanks for the interpretation. It gives me a headache just looking at all the convoluted text!
First man off the Bench
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USD vs. Portland for the WCC Title! - Page 8 Empty Re: USD vs. Portland for the WCC Title!

Post by purple haze Mon Nov 10, 2008 7:21 pm

Kendra has been the missing Pilot this season -- so sad, as Pilots would be stronger with her available. I wish her the best and hope she can return healthy. Her play has always been classy and her style elegant. Her absence has been another odd aspect of this superlative season that has forced a young team to mature more quickly.
purple haze
purple haze
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