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Oct 6 NSCAA poll is out

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Oct 6 NSCAA poll is out - Page 2 Empty Re: Oct 6 NSCAA poll is out

Post by GUPhantom Thu Oct 09, 2008 7:55 pm

I'm curious about the guy or gal who noticed Rampone's potential and had the foresight to invite her to the Senior National Camp? Was it a Pilot who scouted her? Odds are....Yes, huh? Was Clive involved? Very Happy


Last edited by GUPhantom on Thu Oct 09, 2008 8:05 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Oct 6 NSCAA poll is out - Page 2 Empty Re: Oct 6 NSCAA poll is out

Post by FANatic Thu Oct 09, 2008 8:04 pm

Thanks for taking attention away from me, Phantom. Just not my day today.

BTW - great find on the Christie Rampone article. Simply a classic tale of the American dream come true for one young lady.

Simply amazing and inspiring and a story worth spreading around. (Okay, spreaders, get to work!) Read

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Oct 6 NSCAA poll is out - Page 2 Empty Re: Oct 6 NSCAA poll is out

Post by Geezaldinho Thu Oct 09, 2008 8:21 pm

GUPhantom wrote:I'm curious about the guy or gal who noticed Rampone's potential and had the foresight to invite her to the Senior National Camp? Was it a Pilot who scouted her? Odds are....Yes, huh? Was it Clive? :D


The US coach at the time (1997) was Tony Dicicco, Clive was u20 women's coach from 1993-1995, so I don't think we can give him credit. He was coaching the men's u23's and was assistant on the men's full team then.

A forward in college, she was one of a long line of non-UNC players who was offered a spot on the WNT if she played out of position (Macmillan made the team as a mid about that time). UNC players got the forward spots on the National team. About the only exception was Tiff.
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Oct 6 NSCAA poll is out - Page 2 Empty Re: Oct 6 NSCAA poll is out

Post by PurplePrideTrumpet Thu Oct 09, 2008 8:39 pm

FANatic wrote:Just one small point from a guy who is very red in the face.

Western Oregon University was initially founded in 1856 by pioneers who named it Monmouth University. I don't believe it kept that name for too long. (See Wiki below.)

Wiki - 1856 Monmouth U.

(Rumor has it they had a mean ladies soccer program!)
My dad will tell you that "back in my day..." Sleep Very Happy it was Oregon College of Education (maybe not that long ago). I can remember when it went from a State College to a University along with Eastern and Southern.

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Oct 6 NSCAA poll is out - Page 2 Empty Re: Oct 6 NSCAA poll is out

Post by Auto Pilot Thu Oct 09, 2008 11:21 pm

The US coach at the time (1997) was Tony Dicicco, Clive was u20 women's coach from 1993-1995, so I don't think we can give him credit. He was coaching the men's u23's and was assistant on the men's full team then.

You would be amazed at how much the network of US National Team Coaches communicate cross gender and age to point out players to each other. If Clive was aware of Christine Rampone playing in his backyard. Tony heard about it. Of course the ultimate decision was for the head coach but they all rely on one another to spot talent wherever they find it. The soccer coaching world is such a small circle its erie. Even the club coaches all know each other from all different places on the globe.
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