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NSCAA Sept 16, 2008 poll

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NSCAA Sept 16, 2008 poll Empty NSCAA Sept 16, 2008 poll

Post by Geezaldinho Mon Sep 15, 2008 12:30 pm

NSCAA Polls here

National poll isn't out yet, but the West region is. UCLA is still listed as #1 with UP #2

When the National poll comes out, the voting tallies will be included.
Pilot Nation Legend
Pilot Nation Legend

Number of posts : 11838
Location : Hopefully, having a Malbec on the square in Cafayate, AR
Registration date : 2007-04-28

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NSCAA Sept 16, 2008 poll Empty Re: NSCAA Sept 16, 2008 poll

Post by Geezaldinho Tue Sep 16, 2008 7:52 am

The national poll is out. UP is #5 in that poll as well, behind USC (By 2 votes).

I guess the pollsters don't read the scoreboards.
Pilot Nation Legend
Pilot Nation Legend

Number of posts : 11838
Location : Hopefully, having a Malbec on the square in Cafayate, AR
Registration date : 2007-04-28

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NSCAA Sept 16, 2008 poll Empty Re: NSCAA Sept 16, 2008 poll

Post by FANatic Tue Sep 16, 2008 8:03 am

However - isn't that a 4 position jump from #9 the previous week?

Perhaps after this last round of blowouts they reconsidered their folly.
NSCAA Sept 16, 2008 poll Bob-eponge-

Number of posts : 1238
Age : 84
Location : Portland
Registration date : 2007-09-14

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