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Pepperdine to (Re)-Hire Asbury as Coach

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Pepperdine to (Re)-Hire Asbury as Coach Empty Pepperdine to (Re)-Hire Asbury as Coach

Post by Rob's Jacket Tue Feb 19, 2008 2:13 pm

Found this while poking around ESPN.com today.


Rob's Jacket
Rob's Jacket

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Pepperdine to (Re)-Hire Asbury as Coach Empty Re: Pepperdine to (Re)-Hire Asbury as Coach

Post by Geezaldinho Tue Feb 19, 2008 3:08 pm


interesting list of names of coaches they looked at. There are some names that are conspicuously absent, like Holland, Montgomery, etc.

Am I just reading too much into it?
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Pepperdine to (Re)-Hire Asbury as Coach Empty Re: Pepperdine to (Re)-Hire Asbury as Coach

Post by PilotNut Tue Feb 19, 2008 4:05 pm

I find it interesting that Pepperdine chose Asbury. I am not doubting his abilities; rather, with as many coaches as they have had in the past decade, they will seemingly not have Asbury that long, either, as he is 62. Asbury has already retired from coaching once. One would hope that they bring in an assistant that would be ready to take over in a couple years...(?)

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Pepperdine to (Re)-Hire Asbury as Coach Empty Re: Pepperdine to (Re)-Hire Asbury as Coach

Post by pdine Tue Feb 19, 2008 8:16 pm

Yeah, we're hoping we get Marty Wilson from Utah (former Pepp player and asst. coach) to be groomed as successor. If it weren't for Wilson or another worthy successor coming along, I wouldn't really care for this deal.

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Pepperdine to (Re)-Hire Asbury as Coach Empty Re: Pepperdine to (Re)-Hire Asbury as Coach

Post by romeaux Fri Feb 22, 2008 9:00 pm

one of the things everybody has been tossing about lately is whether any of Pepperdine's Oregon recruits would be interested in staying closer to home and maybe turn purple! My original thought was that it wasn't likely, but it may be more so now...I think part of the reason Pep let them out of their LOI's so easily is that they just don't really want them now...with a roster of 10, and 9 are guards,----well I just think they now planning to use those scholarships for bigger bodies, even if they have to go the J.C. route. Walberg had what he thought he wanted, but most other coaches---and especially Asbury---will want some post players...r

Number of posts : 9
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Registration date : 2008-01-19

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