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Fundraising Efforts

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Fundraising Efforts Empty Fundraising Efforts

Post by ExpatPilot Tue Aug 06, 2019 6:11 pm

Posted here since this forum likely has the most visibility on this site and since there is no longer a "General Pilot Athletics" section.

Scott Leykam was on John Canzano's BFT radio program discussing Pilot athletic fundraising efforts. We just posted a record fundraising year for UP with the highest amount of money raised ($3.25 million) and the highest number of donors in a year. Apparently our fundraising this year ranked 4th in the WCC behind BYU, Gonzaga, and Saint Mary's while our sponsorship revenue is the third-highest in the conference behind BYU and Gonzaga.

Definitely worth a listen, but you only need to listen to the first 15 minutes or so before Canzano does Canzano: https://www.oregonlive.com/pilots/2019/08/listen-university-of-portland-smashes-athletic-fundraising-record-with-325-million-raised.html


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Fundraising Efforts Empty Re: Fundraising Efforts

Post by SoCal_Pilot Wed Aug 07, 2019 4:14 pm

Hopefully the quality will follow the fundraising trend now!


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Fundraising Efforts Empty Re: Fundraising Efforts

Post by dholcombe Wed Aug 07, 2019 5:43 pm

Came here to post the same thing. I also was not sure which subforum would be most appropriate. Glad to see I was beaten to it.

Interesting to see that we are 3rd in revenue from sponsorships. I haven't listened to the audio yet. Just started it up. Does it mention how much money the sponsorship revenue is?

First man off the Bench
First man off the Bench

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