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2017 Recruiting

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2017 Recruiting Empty 2017 Recruiting

Post by wrv Fri Apr 21, 2017 8:46 am

So we signed three last fall, but there appear to be at least two scholarships available.

I profess to knowing not a great deal about the women's team.

Anyone have an idea of who the Pilot women might be seeking to add this spring?



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2017 Recruiting Empty Re: 2017 Recruiting

Post by ExpatPilot Fri Apr 21, 2017 11:02 am

First, I don't know much of anything, but I will report what I have heard from outsiders. A former colleague of mine used to coach women's basketball in the WCC. He told me that some of the signings have been head scratchers (i.e., not D1 quality). That's all I know.

If you went to any women's games in 2013-14 then you might recognize my voice.


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2017 Recruiting Empty Re: 2017 Recruiting

Post by wrv Fri Apr 21, 2017 4:51 pm

I went to some of those women's games and probably heard you but could not place you.

Last year's team was senior laden. Unless some of these recruits can play at the D1 level, well . . .

But again my knowledge of the women's program and the roster next year is not great.


Number of posts : 1458
Registration date : 2007-05-01

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2017 Recruiting Empty Re: 2017 Recruiting

Post by DoubleDipper Fri Jun 09, 2017 9:53 am

@PortlandWBB wrote: Great day to be a Pilot  
.....this was followed by the icon of a Finnish Flag.

There is room for two more scholarship athletes; could we be getting an update on WBB recruiting soon?
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2017 Recruiting Empty Re: 2017 Recruiting

Post by Geezaldinho Fri Jun 09, 2017 10:05 am

Are we sure there is room for two more scholarships?

I'm pretty sure the scholarship count hasn't exceeded 13 in a decade and a half, and last year it looked like it was down to 10
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2017 Recruiting Empty Re: 2017 Recruiting

Post by DoubleDipper Fri Jun 09, 2017 10:37 am

Geezaldinho wrote:Are we sure there is room for two more scholarships?
Yeah, I probably should have written, at least two!  To be honest, I've kind of lost track in recent years.

The recent roster included 10 scholarship athletes; 4 graduated (Van Loo, Blades, Mattson, Turley), and 3 signed (Gorzeman, Matz, Walker), which would lead one to believe there are only 9 scholarships spoken for.

I doubt we'll ever see the Pilots use their allotted 15 scholarships in our allotted lifetime, Geez, but they should at least attempt to have 13 D1 quality players to help get the program back on track.  The Pilots have a history of way too many injuries to get by with only 10...

After watching the women get hammered on the boards due to the lack of an inside the game, IMO they need to add a BIG post player....one big enough to keep opponents away from the basket and tall enough to grab the ball.  I'm guessing there are not too many of those types available to lower mid-major teams like UP.
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2017 Recruiting Empty Re: 2017 Recruiting

Post by Geezaldinho Fri Jun 09, 2017 11:29 am

Well, at 9 scholarships, we have some options. I don't think we can drop to Division 2, but we could add two scholarships and go to NAIA Division 1. Or drop three scholarships and enter NAIA division 2 competition. In either case, NAIA  scholarships can be divided, I think.

Let's just be honest that Division 1 isn't for us. Even if we could go D2, we'd have to get another scholarship player or give each player an 89% scholarship to get to 10 players.
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2017 Recruiting Empty Re: 2017 Recruiting

Post by DoubleDipper Tue Jun 13, 2017 3:11 pm

DoubleDipper wrote:Hmm,
@PortlandWBB wrote: Great day to be a Pilot  
.....this was followed by the icon of a Finnish Flag.
The Pilots did add a Finn to the roster, and a young lady from Germany via Midland, Texas, and one each from Sunset HS in Portland/Beaverton and Bishop O'Dowd HS in Oakland.

Unless there have been some departures that we don't know about, the addition of these four student-athletes brings the WBB roster total to 14, including one walk-on and seven new recruits.  

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2017 Recruiting Empty Re: 2017 Recruiting

Post by Geezaldinho Wed Oct 18, 2017 8:44 pm

Progress. Two more and we’ll be fully funded.
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Number of posts : 11849
Location : Hopefully, having a Malbec on the square in Cafayate, AR
Registration date : 2007-04-28

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