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It is a business, after all..........

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It is a business, after all.......... Empty It is a business, after all..........

Post by DoubleDipper Mon Jul 16, 2012 11:45 am

It just seems appropriate somehow that Syracuse’s $7.4 million buyout package from the Big East to join the ACC should be reported on Bloomberg.

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It is a business, after all.......... Empty Re: It is a business, after all..........

Post by Geezaldinho Mon Jul 16, 2012 12:04 pm

will the Big East be changing its name to the Big All-over-the-place?
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It is a business, after all.......... Empty Re: It is a business, after all..........

Post by wrv Tue Jul 17, 2012 7:48 am

Apparently the Big East is a center of optimism where dreams of money, name recognition and technology overcome distance, geography, common sense and irony. Boise State is in the Big East: "double speak," or so I would think.

The Big All Over The Place works for me.


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It is a business, after all.......... Empty Pitt Too(ey)

Post by DoubleDipper Wed Jul 18, 2012 10:04 pm

And now Pitt.......

From TribLive:
Pitt will pay $7.5 million to leave the Big East and join the ACC next year.

Under an agreement announced Wednesday, Pitt will pay $2.5 million over the original $5 million exit fee and leave the conference effective July 1, 2013, 17 months ahead of the Big East’s 27-month waiting period.
Pilot Nation Legend
Pilot Nation Legend

Number of posts : 11542
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Registration date : 2011-11-03

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