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3 New European Recruits

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3 New European Recruits Empty 3 New European Recruits

Post by Guest Thu May 17, 2012 4:15 pm


Sara Ines Hernandez from Italy as well as both Annika Holopainen and Ellen Nurmi from Finland. Welcome aboard!
3 New European Recruits Hernandez_Holopainen_Nurmi


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3 New European Recruits Empty Re: 3 New European Recruits

Post by upsailor Thu May 17, 2012 4:27 pm

I hope the Pilot women receivea little extra time with the time outs so Jim can sort out the language for the various players from foreign shores

Bench Warmer
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3 New European Recruits Empty Re: 3 New European Recruits

Post by DoubleDipper Thu May 17, 2012 5:47 pm

upsailor wrote:I hope the Pilot women receivea little extra time with the time outs so Jim can sort out the language for the various players from foreign shores
It is my understanding the entire staff and team will be learning Finnish so they can just shout-out the strategy without fear of the other team knowing what is being said. Razz

It took a little while for the paperwork to make it through the system, but just like on the men's side, I think the wait will be worth it. These three ladies will certainly add some skill and athleticism next year. Our graduating seniors took the team on their shoulders last year, but there are a couple of players who are in a position to step-up and take the leadership of a VERY young squad -- they'd better!
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3 New European Recruits Empty Re: 3 New European Recruits

Post by Geezaldinho Thu May 17, 2012 7:05 pm

I have no idea about the Finnish, but I am willing to teach the coaching staff to say "box out" in Italian.
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3 New European Recruits Empty Re: 3 New European Recruits

Post by DoubleDipper Thu May 17, 2012 8:42 pm

PurpleGeezer wrote:I have no idea about the Finnish, but I am willing to teach the coaching staff to say "box out" in Italian.
Laatikko ulos!?? I used to fly with a Finnish co-pilot, but nothing he taught me is repeatable here. Embarassed
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3 New European Recruits Empty Re: 3 New European Recruits

Post by upsailor Fri May 18, 2012 2:29 pm

Does anyone know the story of how three seemingly talented, with good size, come to be recruited and signed by a coaching staff that has not shown an ability to land very many talented players since Kelly Graves departed. Plus the fact that they are from countries that we have probably not had players before ?

Bench Warmer
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3 New European Recruits Empty Re: 3 New European Recruits

Post by DoubleDipper Sun Jun 24, 2012 6:43 pm

upsailor wrote:Does anyone know the story of how three seemingly talented, with good size, come to be recruited and signed by a coaching staff that has not shown an ability to land very many talented players since Kelly Graves departed. Plus the fact that they are from countries that we have probably not had players before ?
Just noticed your post, sailor, sorry to have not responded sooner.

The short answer is our top assistant coach has a contact or two overseas that recommended the young ladies. So, it is my understanding, that based upon a number of conversations and video of the players, offers were made and accepted. After the usual determining factors were made by the admissions office, the deal was done.

All three of the new players will stay close to home this summer, and will enroll beginning of the school year in late August. (Hey, many of would liked to have toured Europe between high school and our freshman year in college). Razz
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3 New European Recruits Empty Re: 3 New European Recruits

Post by upsailor Tue Jul 03, 2012 6:42 am

Perhaps "our top asst. coach should be our HEAD COACH" if these three foreign players can make a impact in the upcoming season. I am assuming that its a lady asst. coach?

Bench Warmer
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3 New European Recruits Empty Re: 3 New European Recruits

Post by DoubleDipper Tue Jul 03, 2012 11:27 am

upsailor wrote:Perhaps "our top asst. coach should be our HEAD COACH" if these three foreign players can make a impact in the upcoming season. I am assuming that its a lady asst. coach?
Nope, wrong again. It is our only male assistant.

I'm guessing one more year for our head coach, but he keeps wondering "what will I do with myself?"
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3 New European Recruits Empty Re: 3 New European Recruits

Post by upsailor Thu Jul 05, 2012 4:58 pm

I never would have expectd it from HIM !

Bench Warmer
Bench Warmer

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3 New European Recruits Empty Re: 3 New European Recruits

Post by DoubleDipper Thu Jul 05, 2012 5:41 pm

upsailor wrote:I never would have expectd it from HIM !
Well, I guess I have a little more of a positive outlook from my association with him.

However, we really have no idea the talent/physical/emotional/maturity level of these young ladies. UP is a long way from home for them in many, many respects. We'll just have to wait and see. Smile
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3 New European Recruits Empty Re: 3 New European Recruits

Post by upsailor Fri Jul 06, 2012 4:31 pm

well I too commend his effort AAA ,and wecan only go bytheir physical information and its a lot more positive than not.
european men seem to do ok, why not the women?

Bench Warmer
Bench Warmer

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3 New European Recruits Empty Re: 3 New European Recruits

Post by Tahira99 Sun Aug 05, 2012 10:30 pm

These three ladies will certainly add some skill and athleticism next year.So this ladies physical condition is very best and all of the skills so nice and positive mind in every game in all of the world.

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3 New European Recruits Empty Re: 3 New European Recruits

Post by DoubleDipper Sun Aug 05, 2012 11:30 pm

Tahira99 wrote: These three ladies will certainly add some skill and athleticism next year.So this ladies physical condition is very best and all of the skills so nice and positive mind in every game in all of the world.
Well, OK. That's quite an endorsement; I look forward to seeing them in action.

May I ask, what is the nature of your knowledge and understanding of all three young ladies? When and where have you seen them play? Very Happy

Welcome to PilotNation; we look forward to your updates!
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3 New European Recruits Empty Re: 3 New European Recruits

Post by DoubleDipper Mon Aug 20, 2012 10:24 pm

Helsinki to Amsterdam to Portland on Delta Airlines today equals two very delightful young ladies with jet lag (both over six feet tall) who are looking forward to being Pilots starting Monday.

An even taller young lady from Italy arrives tomorrow. She's already good friends with Annika and Ellen "because of Facebook."

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3 New European Recruits Empty They're all here!

Post by DoubleDipper Sun Aug 26, 2012 10:55 pm

Sara Ines Hernandez arrived from Italy via Rome to Amersterdam to Portland on Saturday and got to see her first Pilots Soccer match when UP took on UO.

Sara looks a little taller than her listed 6'2', but says she's "still growing." Twisted Evil
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3 New European Recruits Empty The Five Freshmen

Post by DoubleDipper Mon Oct 01, 2012 11:21 pm

In this first installment of "Hardwood Life" we are introduced to the five freshmen who join this year's team, and learn that one of them, Ali Ryan, is already out for the season with the third ACL injury of her young career.
Hardwood Life
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3 New European Recruits Empty Re: 3 New European Recruits

Post by DoubleDipper Tue Mar 19, 2013 4:17 pm

Well, they had a nice year in Portland.....I guess.

Super Freshmen Annika Holopainen and Ellen Nurmi from Finland have decided to quit the team and UP and return home as soon as classes are done at the end of April.

Their decision really comes as no surprise to me as neither really seemed to integrate into the student body or team chemistry, choosing instead to hang-out with each other.

It is my opinion the coaches made every effort to make them better players and team members, but the two players themselves did not reciprocate the same effort.

Again, it is only my opinion, but Annika and Ellen were more interested in playing the game "their way" than playing the team's way, and were not all that interested in going to class either.....although have apparently done fine in the classroom.

Big losses? Yes, absolutely! Can UP get even better recruits in the next two years? Yes, absolutely. We've got one very strong player coming from Alaska, and it would appear we'll finally get a much needed Portland area recruit next year too!

The women’s team will still be quite good next year without Annika and Ellen, and it’s a lot more pleasurable for everyone if ALL the players want to be TEAM players
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3 New European Recruits Empty Re: 3 New European Recruits

Post by DoubleDipper Wed Mar 27, 2013 5:27 pm

I had a chance to speak to UP’s two defecting Fins yesterday; they said they really wanted to transfer to Fordham University “because they want to live in New York City.”

But they are now also interested in transferring to Florida Gulf Coast after watching the men’s team on TV and seeing the “school as a dormitory on the beach.”

Teenage girls!!
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3 New European Recruits Empty Re: 3 New European Recruits

Post by Geezaldinho Wed Mar 27, 2013 6:50 pm

They know they will have to sit a year, right?
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3 New European Recruits Empty Re: 3 New European Recruits

Post by Guest Wed Mar 27, 2013 8:10 pm

PurpleGeezer wrote:They know they will have to sit a year, right?
On the beach? Isn't that a feature?


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3 New European Recruits Empty Re: 3 New European Recruits

Post by wrv Sun Mar 31, 2013 11:40 am

I saw first hand one of the Finnish duo come off the court with an attitude, with finger waging gestures for the coach, who said nothing to her, as far as I could tell. I am not sure what the issue was . . .I recall thinking at the time that her behavior was inappropriate and that she might not return. Still it is disappointing that the two are so determined to leave. Thought the team might be really tough next year.


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3 New European Recruits Empty Re: 3 New European Recruits

Post by cw80 Mon Apr 01, 2013 8:34 am

Too much space and attention was given to them, both on and off the court...without regard for the other players...Not to mention of the financial investment of UP....

Holopainen is probably a big loss, but not Nurmi....


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3 New European Recruits Empty Re: 3 New European Recruits

Post by DoubleDipper Mon Apr 01, 2013 7:52 pm

cw80 wrote:Too much space and attention was given to them, both on and off the court...without regard for the other players...Not to mention of the financial investment of UP....

Holopainen is probably a big loss, but not Nurmi....
I couldn’t disagree more about your assessment of Ellen Nurmi…..one of the best freshmen the Pilots have seen on the Bluff in a number of years.

Ellen was fourth on the team in total scoring and scoring percentage and played all 31 games this season….only one of six players, including Annika Holopainen to do so.

Not a starter, Ellen still played more minutes than any other player except starters Jasmine Wooton and Kari Luttinen, and she had the third best A/TO ratio on the team amongst those with significant minutes.

Finally, I’m told Ellen just missed being selected to the WCC All-Freshman team as selected the coaches.

Ellen was indeed a major part of the Pilot’s upswing that began in December….from an on-court standpoint she’ll be missed next year and her shoes will be difficult to fill.
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3 New European Recruits Empty Re: 3 New European Recruits

Post by Guest Tue Apr 02, 2013 12:32 am

DoubleDipper wrote:….from an on-court standpoint she’ll be missed next year and her shoes will be difficult to fill.
Is that because they'll be full of sand? clown


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