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UCLA Pregame Release

Harry Redknapp
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UCLA Pregame Release - Page 3 Empty Re: UCLA Pregame Release

Post by Geezaldinho Thu Nov 26, 2009 11:44 pm

onetouchfutbol wrote:
PilotDrummer wrote:
A_Fan wrote:Here is a link to a pre-game video release from UCLA. It takes a while to load.


2005 Portland 4-0 College Station, TX (NCAA SF)

From the site linked...what does "SF" mean? Since that was the National Championship game, I'm not sure what they mean by SF.

I think I missed my calling. Writing press releases sounds awesome.

Yeah, SF is a mistake there. They used QF for quarterfinal, and SF appears to be semi-final. But, that was no SF; that was for the national championship. They can't take that one away from us. GRRRR UCLA Pregame Release - Page 3 Icon_twisted

Even UCLA recognizes that the real championship that year was the game before we played them, when Penn State took us to a shootout....
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UCLA Pregame Release - Page 3 Empty Re: UCLA Pregame Release

Post by decrink Fri Nov 27, 2009 12:30 am

Trenchcoat Wally wrote:What I find humorous about other teams is: It's either a big game event for the team (Portland Vs Washington) or (Stanford vs Portland in 08) When the pep band or mascot is called out for team glee club activities.

Trenchcoats theory of phone call between UCLA athletic director, Dan Guerrero and department staff member.

"Hi Dan, um.. the Bruins lady soccer team is doing really good and um, I think it would be just super if the pep band could go to the game and play for the bruins; what do you think?"

"Soccer! I'm more concerned about our crappy football team getting stomped by both of the Oregon teams. We hardly get any fans at our soccer games anyways." Heck, with close to 10 million people in the greater Los Angeles area, we draw just over 1000 fans per game. You want me to commit the band for that?

"It's OK Dan, they can just play 'Louie Louie' and it will fit right in! The players will love it and they might actually believe they have some fans"


I remember a few years ago when UP played Notre Dame and they brought the Football cheerleaders and the fuzzy little mutant guy. They looked as 'out of place' as I'm sure they all felt.

Pilot fans and drummers are at all of the games, making noise and enjoying great Pilot soccer.


The poor cheerleaders ALWAYS feel out of place at the soccer games. None of their cheers work right. DEFENSE. DEFENSE. THROW IT FAR? PUNT IT KEEPER, PUNT IT FAR? Maybe the old standard would work for the Bruin cheer team, playing in rhythm to the hired band:
B-E-A-T Beat 'em,
B-U-S-T Bust 'em
Beat 'em, Bust 'em,
That's our custom
Come on Bruins let's re-adjust 'em!

Then they could move from a 4-4-2 to a 4-3-3 to try to get the goal back.

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Registration date : 2007-12-02

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UCLA Pregame Release - Page 3 Empty Re: UCLA Pregame Release

Post by UPSoccerFanatic Fri Nov 27, 2009 6:16 am

Maybe SF means Shut-Out in Finals? Slaughtered in Finals? Stunned in Finals? Schooled in Finals? The last probably is the most descriptive.

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