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Nice debut game for WPS: Sol--2; Freedom--0.

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Nice debut game for WPS:  Sol--2; Freedom--0. Empty Nice debut game for WPS: Sol--2; Freedom--0.

Post by onetouchfutbol Sun Mar 29, 2009 6:48 pm

I watched the game today on FSC. Stephanie Cox and Marta seemed to have chemistry on the left side in the first half of the game, and Marta's speed really left a lot of players behind. Abby Wambach played her normal physical game and was pushing around LA's defenders for the entire game. The attendance was over 14,000, and overall it was a very successful start for the WPS. I hope they can sustain that kind of attendance throughout the season.

Number of posts : 2203
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Location : Seattle, WA
Registration date : 2008-10-05

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Nice debut game for WPS:  Sol--2; Freedom--0. Empty Re: Nice debut game for WPS: Sol--2; Freedom--0.

Post by Auto Pilot Mon Mar 30, 2009 6:39 pm

I watched the game too. I thought Steph was solid except for one weak back pass to the GK. Scurry is too old. Play Henderson. Bock was amazing as she made her debut in the defensive line. What a strong player.
Washington had better get over the "Abbie is our offense" theory or they are in for a long season. Lisa just made the squad but I see her getting some serious minutes during the season.
Auto Pilot
Auto Pilot

Number of posts : 864
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Registration date : 2008-08-12

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Nice debut game for WPS:  Sol--2; Freedom--0. Empty Re: Nice debut game for WPS: Sol--2; Freedom--0.

Post by Geezaldinho Mon Mar 30, 2009 6:46 pm

Auto Pilot wrote:Lisa just made the squad but I see her getting some serious minutes during the season.

She might hold the minutes record for a field player at UP. Did she play at all on Sunday?
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Pilot Nation Legend

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Nice debut game for WPS:  Sol--2; Freedom--0. Empty Re: Nice debut game for WPS: Sol--2; Freedom--0.

Post by Auto Pilot Tue Mar 31, 2009 4:37 pm

No she didn't make it onto the field. Freedom had most of the subs.
Auto Pilot
Auto Pilot

Number of posts : 864
Age : 69
Location : So Cal
Registration date : 2008-08-12

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Nice debut game for WPS:  Sol--2; Freedom--0. Empty Re: Nice debut game for WPS: Sol--2; Freedom--0.

Post by onetouchfutbol Thu Apr 02, 2009 9:25 pm

Video highlights:


Number of posts : 2203
Age : 53
Location : Seattle, WA
Registration date : 2008-10-05

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Nice debut game for WPS:  Sol--2; Freedom--0. Empty Re: Nice debut game for WPS: Sol--2; Freedom--0.

Post by jc Sun Apr 05, 2009 9:05 am

The New York Times Magazine of April 5 has a feature on Marta, with Stephanie Cox mentioned and pictured.

Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2009-02-06

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