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Two Broadcast Comments

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Two Broadcast Comments Empty Two Broadcast Comments

Post by wrv Sun Nov 16, 2008 11:58 am

I watched some of the Pilot soccer match on Comcast this morning--at the outset, one of the announcers suggested the Pilots might well enjoy the return of the three Amigas if they make it to the College Cup. Is this wishful thinking, or is there a realistic possibility?

The same announcer, Bob A.(I would butcher the spelling of his last name) deemed M. Rapinoe a member of the all celebration team--can't much argue with that.

Finally, I saw the Rapinoe Rocket in slow mo and it was slowly spinning from left to right--the direction the ball veered. I do not know whether the spin was slow enough that the slice was a knuckler or the ball veered because of the spin--guess the mystery remains.


Number of posts : 1448
Registration date : 2007-05-01

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Two Broadcast Comments Empty Re: Two Broadcast Comments

Post by Geezaldinho Sun Nov 16, 2008 12:04 pm

The only way the Amigas come back is if the USA gets bumped out of the World cup before the finals round.

The World cup final and College cup final are the same day - Dec. 7

I vote Kassi on to the celebration team. She even delayed the second part of the celebration until she came off the field when she got subbed out.
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Registration date : 2007-04-28

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Two Broadcast Comments Empty Re: Two Broadcast Comments

Post by wrv Sun Nov 16, 2008 12:10 pm

Too dang bad--and I agree that Kassi belongs on the team as well . ..


Number of posts : 1448
Registration date : 2007-05-01

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