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Audio Broadcast & GameTracker Saturday Night

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Audio Broadcast & GameTracker Saturday Night Empty Audio Broadcast & GameTracker Saturday Night

Post by FANatic Thu Nov 06, 2008 7:41 pm

I believe someone, perhaps UPSF, mentioned elsewhere that he saw on a USD webpage that there might be an audio broadcast for Saturday night's showdown at the USD corral.

I checked it out and have posted the link to the appropriate page here: USD Audio & GT Sat 8pm

It does definitely look to be a free audio of the match with a pre-game start time of, I believe, 7:45pm. Game time is 8pm. It was scheduled for 7pm. Don't know why the change. There is also a GameTracker link, and I know how we all love GT.

So, that means you all get to stay home Saturday night and listen to the regular season finale for the WCC title againt USD, and an automatic bid to the NCAA Tournament for the victors. A number one seed for the Pilots is also possibly on the line.

Please remember to join us in the "Chatbox", where champagne and dill pickles are being served.

Number of posts : 1238
Age : 84
Location : Portland
Registration date : 2007-09-14

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Audio Broadcast & GameTracker Saturday Night Empty Re: Audio Broadcast & GameTracker Saturday Night

Post by UPSoccerFanatic Thu Nov 06, 2008 7:53 pm

I heard that the dill pickles are courtesy of Sara Jackman!

Number of posts : 1879
Age : 79
Location : Portland, Oregon
Registration date : 2007-10-31


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