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Video: 2009 Recruit Kendall Johnson

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Video: 2009 Recruit Kendall Johnson Empty Video: 2009 Recruit Kendall Johnson

Post by FANatic Wed Oct 22, 2008 7:36 am

OregonLive.com Video: 2009 Recruit, Lincoln's Kendall Johnson

Click the above link, then scroll down just a bit for video screen of Kendall.

Kendall sounds pretty excited to be coming to the Bluff, and says her parents are, too.

Some nice shots of her speed, passing ability and scoring skills. Will be interesting to see how she fits in, and what position(s) she plays.

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Video: 2009 Recruit Kendall Johnson Empty Re: Video: 2009 Recruit Kendall Johnson

Post by GUPhantom Wed Oct 22, 2008 7:48 pm

Who were they playing? Looks like it was a beatdown! Coach Scifo still has things cooking over there for the defending state champs...lots of goals! Looking forward to seeing Kendall play at Merlo next season!

First man off the Bench
First man off the Bench

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Video: 2009 Recruit Kendall Johnson Empty Re: Video: 2009 Recruit Kendall Johnson

Post by Geezaldinho Thu Oct 23, 2008 11:06 am

Lincoln sqeaked by Franklin in their last game at home 10:0 GOOOAAAALLL!!!!
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