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So, a Pilot was kind of in the news last night...

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So, a Pilot was kind of in the news last night... Empty So, a Pilot was kind of in the news last night...

Post by PurplePrideTrumpet Fri Jul 25, 2008 2:24 pm

You may have heard about this game last night. From the write-up: "Play resumed with Chris Siegfried on the hill for the Chiefs" in place of the idiot P who went to jail for nailing a fan with a ball. Chris didn't do too bad, either--no hit batters or fans [rimshot]...sorry, sorry. I just couldn't resist. Wink

Deadspin has a video if you haven't seen it yet. I didn't see Siegfried in it, but it's hard to tell.

Number of posts : 2880
Age : 43
Location : Section 18A, Row 5
Registration date : 2007-11-24

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So, a Pilot was kind of in the news last night... Empty disgraceful

Post by Geezaldinho Fri Jul 25, 2008 2:47 pm

That's one of the worst things I've ever seen. That brawl reportedly lasted 10 minutes and all that came out of it was one broken leg. I understand that was only because someone tripped over the back of his leg.

I think baseball players should have martial arts coaches show them how to do more than scream and shove like playground children.

Then maybe they won't take it out on the fans.
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Pilot Nation Legend

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So, a Pilot was kind of in the news last night... Empty Re: So, a Pilot was kind of in the news last night...

Post by PurplePrideTrumpet Fri Jul 25, 2008 3:29 pm

Oddly enough, the broken leg came on an actual play. The runner from 1B collided with the second baseman.

Usually they leave the fans out of it and push each other around some. That WNBA fight had as much contact as an average basebrawl.

You do have to watch who you go after, though--a batter went at Chan Ho Park and nearly took a flying kick to the jaw. And then there was Robin Ventura's futile attempt to break Nolan Ryan's hand with the top of his head.

Number of posts : 2880
Age : 43
Location : Section 18A, Row 5
Registration date : 2007-11-24

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So, a Pilot was kind of in the news last night... Empty Re: So, a Pilot was kind of in the news last night...

Post by Geezaldinho Fri Jul 25, 2008 5:22 pm

PurplePrideTrumpet wrote:Oddly enough, the broken leg came on an actual play. The runner from 1B collided with the second baseman.

Usually they leave the fans out of it and push each other around some. That WNBA fight had as much contact as an average basebrawl.

You do have to watch who you go after, though--a batter went at Chan Ho Park and nearly took a flying kick to the jaw. And then there was Robin Ventura's futile attempt to break Nolan Ryan's hand with the top of his head.

and 80 yr. old Don Zimmer didn't fare so well with Pedro Martinez....

Honestly, baseball fights are ridiculous.
Pilot Nation Legend
Pilot Nation Legend

Number of posts : 11858
Location : Hopefully, having a Malbec on the square in Cafayate, AR
Registration date : 2007-04-28

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