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Coach Sollars Staying?

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Coach Sollars Staying? Empty Coach Sollars Staying?

Post by wrv Fri Feb 29, 2008 5:30 am

According to the Tribune he is:



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Registration date : 2007-05-01

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Coach Sollars Staying? Empty Rezina Tecklemarium

Post by Geezaldinho Fri Feb 29, 2008 2:56 pm

I think Jim still has a couple years he wants to put in. He's got some kids now that are starting to develop pretty well.

I thought The best part of the article is that he got a point guard. from the looks of it, Rezina Teclemariam is a pretty good one. He might have used Bermingham's scholarship, because I don't think he had another one left.

Rezina is one of twins (sister Ariam) who both play on Bellarmine's basketball team.

Ariam also plays soccer, and Rezina runs track.

A couple of sites:

News Tribune

Max-Preps B-ball stats

Track and field results
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Coach Sollars Staying? Empty Re: Coach Sollars Staying?

Post by Stonehouse Fri Feb 29, 2008 7:45 pm

I'm sure Sollars will stay through his contract next season, but I wouldn't be shocked if he decided to hang up the clipboard at that point. He's been doing it for a long time. Still, I agree that things are looking up for the team. We'll miss Rachel Warren, but we have a ton of talent coming back and some good newcomers too.
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Coach Sollars Staying? Empty Re: Coach Sollars Staying?

Post by upsailor Wed Mar 05, 2008 9:35 pm

Three cheers, it only took three years to finally recruit a point guard, while in the two previous years we signed at least three shooting guards.
AS the Tribune article reported it took a committee to play Pt. guard, and not too well at that.

Bench Warmer
Bench Warmer

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