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Sports Gambling - Basketball

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Post by DoubleDipper Thu Nov 08, 2018 8:34 pm

Scott Leykam Vice-President Athletics wrote:Dear Campus Community,  

This past spring, the United State Supreme Court altered the landscape of professional and intercollegiate athletics by allowing each state to enact its own laws to legalize sports gambling. With the commencement of a new Men’s and Women’s Basketball season, the University of Portland would like to reiterate our stance involving sports gambling.  

Our department’s highest priority is to protect the well-being of our student-athletes and to preserve the integrity of intercollegiate competition. The NCAA’s stance has not changed in regard to the strict prohibition of gambling by student-athletes, coaches, and athletic department staff members. NCAA violations involving sports gambling can result in a permanent loss of eligibility for student-athletes, vacation of wins, and postseason bans.  

One of the biggest concerns athletic departments across the country are facing is the passing of insider information for gambling purposes. For example, a major NCAA violation occurs if an individual places a sports wager with relevant inside information (e.g. advanced knowledge of a team line-up or student-athlete injury that has not been made public) attained by speaking with a student-athlete, coach or athletic department staff member.  

The University of Portland is proud to have your continued interest and loyal support in our athletics program. We sincerely appreciate your assistance in reassuring that the eligibility of our student-athletes and the integrity of the athletics program and University is upheld. Please contact our Athletic Department Compliance Office (503-943-7127) if you have any questions or concerns.  
Scott Leykam
Pilot Nation Legend
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Registration date : 2011-11-03

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