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Winter olympics

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Winter olympics Empty Winter olympics

Post by Geezaldinho Tue Feb 20, 2018 4:37 pm

Really? There is no thread on this already?

My comment is on the automatic captioning software telling us about the Olympic metal ceremony.
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Winter olympics Empty Re: Winter olympics

Post by Guest Tue Feb 20, 2018 4:43 pm

PEDs in the curling mixed doubles? Maybe it was so he could keep up with his Angelina Jolie look-alike wife on the ice.


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Winter olympics Empty Re: Winter olympics

Post by Guest Sat Feb 24, 2018 11:19 pm

In a sport where scoring 2 is a good result, USA men scored 5 in the 8th end of their 10 end gold medal match with Sweden, to go up 10-5. They played out the last two ends by basically running out the clock, and won the first ever USA gold in curling.

The Germans had their first gold medal in men's hockey in the bag. The were up 3-2 with 2 minutes to play, and on a power play. All they had to do was run out the clock. But they dumped the puck in, lost possession, Russia pulled their goalie to get an additional offensive player, and scored a shorthanded goal to send it to OT. Russia scored the game winner in OT on a power play, and took the gold medal.


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