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Bull Riding

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Which is not the name of a professional bull rider?

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Total Votes : 5
Poll closed

Bull Riding Empty Bull Riding

Post by Guest Tue Nov 07, 2017 12:46 am

The professional bull riding tour just ended with a week long event in Las Vegas. A young man (just turned 20) named Jess Lockwood won the championship for 2017 and a $1,000,000 prize.  Pretty good for 8 seconds of work, as long as the bull doesn't maim you.

One thing I find interesting is the unusual names of many of the riders.  Stetson Lawrence, Sage Kimzey, and Dakota Buttar are a few of them.  In the poll, I listed four real names and one fake name.  I am curious how many can pick out the fake.  Google is cheating.


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Bull Riding Empty Re: Bull Riding

Post by Guest Mon Dec 11, 2017 12:02 pm

Sorry for not getting back to this sooner. For the 5 of you who voted, none of you got the fake name. Hunter Longtree is not a real name. The rest are actual PBR competitors. Cowboy families come up with some interesting names for their kids.


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Bull Riding Empty Re: Bull Riding

Post by DoubleDipper Mon Dec 11, 2017 9:37 pm

Wait! Are you telling me Jim Shoulders and Casey Tibbs are no longer riding?

Shoulders was probably the best all-around professional cowboy ever....Tibbs was good too, but then he got the Hollywood acting bug. Evil or Very Mad
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