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NCAA yanks seven championship events from North Carolina

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NCAA yanks seven championship events from North Carolina Empty NCAA yanks seven championship events from North Carolina

Post by DoubleDipper Mon Sep 12, 2016 6:51 pm

The NCAA has announced they will be moving seven 2016-17 academic year championship events from North Carolina due to the state's controversial House Bill 2 law.....the "Bathroom Bill" that requires transgender people to use the bathroom that corresponds with the gender they were assigned at birth.

No word yet on where the championships will be held, but here's the list of those that will not be in North Carolina:

2016 Division I women’s soccer championship, College Cup Dec. 2 and 4.
2016 Division III men’s and women’s soccer championships Dec. 2 and 3.
2017 Division I men’s basketball championship, first and second rounds March 17 and 19.
2017 Division I women’s golf championships, regional May 8 to 10.
2017 Division III men’s and women’s tennis championships, May 22 to 27.
2017 Division I women’s lacrosse championship, May 26 and 28.
2017 Division II baseball championship, May 27 to June 3.

Pilot Nation Legend
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NCAA yanks seven championship events from North Carolina Empty Re: NCAA yanks seven championship events from North Carolina

Post by blacksheep Tue Sep 13, 2016 9:41 am

DoubleDipper wrote:The NCAA has announced they will be moving seven 2016-17 academic year championship events from North Carolina due to the state's controversial House Bill 2 law.....the "Bathroom Bill" that requires transgender people to use the bathroom that corresponds with the gender they were assigned at birth.

No word yet on where the championships will be held, but here's the list of those that will not be in North Carolina:

2016 Division I women’s soccer championship, College Cup Dec. 2 and 4.
2016 Division III men’s and women’s soccer championships Dec. 2 and 3.
2017 Division I men’s basketball championship, first and second rounds March 17 and 19.
2017 Division I women’s golf championships, regional May 8 to 10.
2017 Division III men’s and women’s tennis championships, May 22 to 27.
2017 Division I women’s lacrosse championship, May 26 and 28.
2017 Division II baseball championship, May 27 to June 3.


Once again, the NCAA punishes people who have nothing (or at least very little) to do with the bad act!

BTW - Would it have been a felony under NC Law for me to use the women's restroom at the Warrenton marina when there was a big line for the men's room and nobody in the women's? Probably would have to register as a sex offender. Got to love laws that solve problems that don't exist.

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NCAA yanks seven championship events from North Carolina Empty Re: NCAA yanks seven championship events from North Carolina

Post by PilotNut Tue Sep 13, 2016 10:42 am

The NCAA & NBA gave NC plenty of time to reconsider the law, which they have not. The ACC is meeting this week, and may take similar actions....

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