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UP - OSU Empty UP - OSU

Post by Guest Thu May 14, 2015 11:08 am

This might be the "understatement Tweet of the year".
@PortlandPilots wrote:BSB Recap: No. 23 Oregon State Tops Pilots in Keizer http://bit.ly/1G88NpM

OSU 20 - UP 0
OSU 20 runs on 24 hits, with 1 error
UP 0 runs on 7 hits, 2 errors

"Tops" is putting it mildly.


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UP - OSU Empty Re: UP - OSU

Post by DoubleDipper Thu May 14, 2015 1:36 pm

up7587 wrote:OSU 20 - UP 0

"Tops" is putting it mildly.
Yeah, I remember saying something a little like that, but a bit stronger when I saw the score.

To be truthful, I was afraid the UP Football Team, undefeated since 1950, had finally lost for the first time in 65 years..... Rolling Eyes
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UP - OSU Empty Re: UP - OSU

Post by PilotNut Thu May 14, 2015 4:20 pm

Does anyone have any insight to the baseball program? The last couple years have been dreadful... obviously the new facilities should help, but what on earth is going on?!

We had some good years in the old Pac-10 North days, but we have not been a strong program ever since the WCC added baseball... There used to be the excuse that college baseball could not be successful in the northern states, but UO and OSU have proven otherwise... GU has had some good years recently, too.

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