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2017 recruits

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2017 recruits Empty 2017 recruits

Post by Geezaldinho Sun Oct 05, 2014 10:09 am

The Seattle Times has Taryn Ries as a UP commit for the class of 2017 


The Columbian put her on the All Region team last year as a freshman:

TARYN RIES, FR., FWD, RIDGEFIELD: Ries had an immediate impact, scoring 20 goals and assisting on nine in her first high school season. Coach Robby Trimbo praised her work rate with and without the ball.

She is currently a Sophomore and plays for Ridgefield and FC Portland.
Her club coach thinks highly of her as well.
2017 recruits 94c813da75bc2e689e8d5e3ace6c00f9

And she was named to the U15 national team camp last April.
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2017 recruits Empty Re: 2017 recruits

Post by A_Fan Sun Oct 05, 2014 6:33 pm

Looking forward to that scoring punch!

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