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2015 Recruiting

Dean Murdoch
Rob's Jacket
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2015 Recruiting - Page 23 Empty Re: 2015 Recruiting

Post by DoubleDipper Fri Jan 21, 2022 2:45 pm

From Jazz Johnson on Instagram after his contract was terminated by his Italian team after testing positive for drugs...
"To everyone in Pistoia, I want to start with my most sincere apologies. To the coaching staff, the association, the fans and most importantly my teammates who have become my brothers. It took me some time to fully comprehend how much this not only impacts me, but impacts everyone else around me. We are all human. However, sometimes God grants second chances and it's what we do with that chance that determines how our lives continue. I can live with the consequences that are set before me, but what is hard to deal with is the consequences that my teammates have to endure. I let you guys down and that will forever be the hardest part of what happened. I am young and still very early in my career, so I pray God blesses me with another opportunity to play the game I love and give my heart and soul to. This will go down as an opportunity to learn and improve. All that being said, I want to say thank you to every single person I ever encountered in my time in Pistoia. It means the world to me that the entire community welcomed me with open arms. Thank you to my brothers for an amazing time together."
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