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How many Pilot commits have 11 D1 offers?

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How many Pilot commits have 11 D1 offers? Empty How many Pilot commits have 11 D1 offers?

Post by wrv Mon Apr 15, 2013 2:01 pm

Well, at least one, who also reportedly is an exceptional student.


Perhaps departure of our fickle Finns won't be as damaging as it would first appear.

Go Pilots.


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How many Pilot commits have 11 D1 offers? Empty Re: How many Pilot commits have 11 D1 offers?

Post by DoubleDipper Mon Apr 15, 2013 2:43 pm

wrv wrote:Well, at least one, who also reportedly is an exceptional student.


Perhaps departure of our fickle Finns won't be as damaging as it would first appear.

Go Pilots.
Yup, first reported on PN on Nov 13, 2012 under "New Recruit."

Good ESPN article....thanks.
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