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Story about Dominguez

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Story about Dominguez Empty Story about Dominguez

Post by Stonehouse Fri Nov 23, 2007 4:38 pm

Hey everyone... there was a nice story about Jeremiah Dominguez in today's Portland Tribune:


Glad to hear that he's doing well, but I found this part especially interesting:

Dominguez says he has been doing OK in school. He would have stayed at UP, but in 2006 he fell below the school’s 2.7 GPA standard for summertime work; he says he got a 2.5.

The NCAA requires student-athletes to maintain 2.0 GPAs, but some schools have higher requirements. Academics also were why forward Jamie Jones departed Portland and ended up at Portland State.

Interesting that UP has that high of a standard for summer classes, but then again... I guess they should do better in summer classes with no practice or games going on.

Anyway... definitely looking forward to the UP/PSU game - too bad I won't be in town to see it. Sad
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Registration date : 2007-06-07

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Story about Dominguez Empty Re: Story about Dominguez

Post by up7587 Tue Jan 10, 2023 2:21 pm

Saw on Twitter that PSU will honor Jeremiah Dominguez in their Hall of Fame.  Congrats to him.


Number of posts : 1610
Registration date : 2021-06-10

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