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UP Player transactions: Pearce to Chivas USA.

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UP Player transactions:  Pearce to Chivas USA. Empty UP Player transactions: Pearce to Chivas USA.

Post by onetouchfutbol Tue Feb 15, 2011 10:00 pm

This happened today:


I had no idea that Heath Pearce spoke Spanish well...not that it's necessary for Chivas USA. He's not going to be playing in Guadalajara for the better Chivas team...

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UP Player transactions:  Pearce to Chivas USA. Empty Re: UP Player transactions: Pearce to Chivas USA.

Post by dholcombe Mon Mar 28, 2011 6:30 pm

Pelota aqui. Taht's all he's got to know Wink

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UP Player transactions:  Pearce to Chivas USA. Empty Re: UP Player transactions: Pearce to Chivas USA.

Post by PurplePrideTrumpet Mon Mar 28, 2011 6:57 pm

First time back in portland since I left School in 04 and best of all playing in old stadium. #portlandpilots

As soccer players go he's a pretty entertaining Tweeter.

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UP Player transactions:  Pearce to Chivas USA. Empty Re: UP Player transactions: Pearce to Chivas USA.

Post by onetouchfutbol Mon Mar 28, 2011 11:09 pm

This is a cool event for UP to host. I hope that Merlo can host other US Open Cup games as well. It seems like the managers of the MLS teams are willing to play those games at smaller venues; the Sounders' Open Cup games generally happen in Tukwila. It's great for Pearce to come home...

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UP Player transactions:  Pearce to Chivas USA. Empty Heath Pearce heads to the Big Apple for some Red Bulls

Post by DoubleDipper Thu May 17, 2012 9:28 pm

The New York Red Bulls announced today that they have acquired U.S. National Team defender Heath Pearce, allocation money and future considerations from Chivas USA in exchange for forward Juan Agudelo.

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