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Seahawks vs Saints...

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Seahawks vs Saints... Empty Seahawks vs Saints...

Post by onetouchfutbol Sat Jan 08, 2011 10:08 am


Soon we find out if there's any hope for us miserable Seahawk fans in pulling off a huge upset...with a hodge-podge cast of players and a runnaway former USC coach who is actually a pretty likeable guy in my opinion.

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Seahawks vs Saints... Empty Re: Seahawks vs Saints...

Post by DaTruRochin Sat Jan 08, 2011 10:47 am

This scandal is WAY more important than any silly game.... CALL THE COPS!!!


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Seahawks vs Saints... Empty Re: Seahawks vs Saints...

Post by Guest Sat Jan 08, 2011 4:44 pm

Did Marshawn Lynch really make that run? Six Saints got a hand on him, but he broke tackles right and left. Wow


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Seahawks vs Saints... Empty Re: Seahawks vs Saints...

Post by Rochin54 Sat Jan 08, 2011 9:03 pm

up7587 wrote:Did Marshawn Lynch really make that run? Six Saints got a hand on him, but he broke tackles right and left. Wow

Who cares about the run - did you not see the ripoff on the beer?!?!?!?!?!
First man off the Bench
First man off the Bench

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Seahawks vs Saints... Empty Re: Seahawks vs Saints...

Post by PurplePrideTrumpet Sat Jan 08, 2011 9:06 pm

Rochin54 wrote:
up7587 wrote:Did Marshawn Lynch really make that run? Six Saints got a hand on him, but he broke tackles right and left. Wow

Who cares about the run - did you not see the ripoff on the beer?!?!?!?!?!
Don't know anything about qworst field beer. Anytime a Timbers fan is seen with one security assumes he's drunk and kicks him out. I don't even bother trying to drink. lol!

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Seahawks vs Saints... Empty Re: Seahawks vs Saints...

Post by Guest Sat Jan 08, 2011 9:12 pm

Well, after seeing the $9 beer price at the RG, I figured any stadium beer is out of my fixed income budget anyway. So they won't be ripping off me.

Last edited by up7587 on Mon Jan 10, 2011 12:55 am; edited 1 time in total


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Seahawks vs Saints... Empty Re: Seahawks vs Saints...

Post by DaTruRochin Sun Jan 09, 2011 11:42 am

Agreed... Paying $9 for a beer that is normally just $5 more for an entire case just seems silly... I guess thats what pre-gaming is for, but that works way better for a short soccer game than a sometimes insufferably long football game.

And I would pretend to be excited for the hawks and whatnot but it would be completely disingenuous of me, hahaha my football season ended week 16 when fantasy was over. Seahawks vs Saints... 562404

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Seahawks vs Saints... Empty Re: Seahawks vs Saints...

Post by onetouchfutbol Sun Jan 09, 2011 10:24 pm

up7587 wrote:Did Marshawn Lynch really make that run? Six Saints got a hand on him, but he broke tackles right and left. Wow

Yeah, it was a great run. I like when he pushed the opposing player to the ground toward the end of it...

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Seahawks vs Saints... Empty Re: Seahawks vs Saints...

Post by Geezaldinho Sun Jan 09, 2011 11:18 pm

What run...? I was watching the beer clip. HEY! CALL THE COPS!!!!
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