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Here is What BYU Is All About!!!

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Here is What BYU Is All About!!!  Empty Here is What BYU Is All About!!!

Post by GenericName Sun Sep 19, 2010 7:59 pm

We have a ton of school Pride! You better get ready for us!!!!!

Make Way for BYU!


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Registration date : 2010-09-19

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Here is What BYU Is All About!!!  Empty Re: Here is What BYU Is All About!!!

Post by Geezaldinho Sun Sep 19, 2010 8:13 pm

Step to the rear, please Very Happy

Seriously, this should be great fun.
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Here is What BYU Is All About!!!  Empty Re: Here is What BYU Is All About!!!

Post by Guest Sun Sep 19, 2010 8:19 pm

And so it begins.


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Here is What BYU Is All About!!!  Empty Re: Here is What BYU Is All About!!!

Post by MesaPilot1 Sun Sep 19, 2010 11:17 pm

I can envision some great fun had by us with this particular troll, down here in Mesa we "non-true believers" in the God of Warren Jepps have much fun heckling their undergarments, stiffness, etc.I always like to see some of Mesas finest down in Rocky Point drnkin alcohol...just saying.....makes me appreciate you Catholic folk and Poyour drinking prow less in PDX...LOL...BTW this clown has posted this on Every mb in the WCC so we should not feel too"SPECIAL".....
It is a serial generic poster.... Rolling Eyes

Come back when you have an urinal thought it...

Last edited by MesaPilot1 on Sun Sep 19, 2010 11:23 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : I am a descendant of Joe SMITH..who found imaginary secret stones from GOD Himself in a field in the Midwest...)


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Here is What BYU Is All About!!!  Empty Re: Here is What BYU Is All About!!!

Post by pilotram Mon Sep 20, 2010 6:45 am

That song makes me want to chug a ton of Spite and get wild!

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Here is What BYU Is All About!!!  Empty Re: Here is What BYU Is All About!!!

Post by Stonehouse Mon Sep 20, 2010 9:48 am

Generally speaking, any re-imagination of a song from Aladdin is good in my book. Just wait til I do my jazzy take on "You Ain't Never Had a Friend Like Rev." It's going to be EPIC.

Also... I realize some teasing here or there is par for the course, but we are better than making fun of other people's religions. I truly hope that doesn't become a regular part of BYU being in the WCC.
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Here is What BYU Is All About!!!  Empty Re: Here is What BYU Is All About!!!

Post by Geezaldinho Mon Sep 20, 2010 9:54 am

Stonehouse wrote:Also... I realize some teasing here or there is par for the course, but we are better than making fun of other people's religions. I truly hope that doesn't become a regular part of BYU being in the WCC.

Not even a little?

Heck, even the Jesuits haven't escaped a little ribbing in some circles here.
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Here is What BYU Is All About!!!  Empty Re: Here is What BYU Is All About!!!

Post by Stonehouse Mon Sep 20, 2010 10:02 am

Oh I have no problem making fun of the Jesuits. Smile And like I said, a little good-natured teasing is par for the course. I have no problem with it.

It's when people start talking about "magical underpants" and "imagineary secret stones" that I start getting a bit itchy.
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Here is What BYU Is All About!!!  Empty Re: Here is What BYU Is All About!!!

Post by pilotram Mon Sep 20, 2010 10:15 am

It was/is a regular part of BYU being in the MWC.

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Here is What BYU Is All About!!!  Empty Re: Here is What BYU Is All About!!!

Post by MesaPilot1 Mon Sep 20, 2010 11:05 am

Stonehouse wrote:Oh I have no problem making fun of the Jesuits. Smile And like I said, a little good-natured teasing is par for the course. I have no problem with it.

It's when people start talking about "magical underpants" and "imagineary secret stones" that I start getting a bit itchy.
That's the beauty of America and ask your Dad some people fought for this country, their not apologist, french liberals like some, who don't get nervous when someone write some thingdifferent , grow up Stoney, and get some stones.....lol, YOU ARE NOT A PART OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF THIS message board GO BACK TO DONS CENTRAL....and read some of the comments ur buddy DC.lets fly. Think things through little stoney, thus is America so if you want to call someone out you and I can go....but what you directed at me is a Direct Violation as per the main administrator of this meszage board... you you little pessimist.....don't take every thing written here literally.Get a real job, and some life experience then will go little tiger...lol

Mesa Pilot aka black bart jocolor Shocked


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Here is What BYU Is All About!!!  Empty Re: Here is What BYU Is All About!!!

Post by Stonehouse Mon Sep 20, 2010 12:20 pm

Whoa whoa whoa... I'm not going after your first amendment rights. Really! Smile

I'm just saying that Catholics in America know a thing or two about being discriminated against and judged for their religious beliefs, and I think there are much better ways to critique/tease/josh an opposing school than going after their religion.

I have no problem being critical of other schools - I've been going after the Zags and their message board for years and years now. But I do think that as fans of a religious institution we should hold ourselves to a higher standard when it comes to criticizing/teasing a fellow religious institution and their fans.
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Here is What BYU Is All About!!!  Empty Re: Here is What BYU Is All About!!!

Post by mattywizz Mon Sep 20, 2010 1:37 pm

Stonehouse wrote:I think there are much better ways to critique/tease/josh an opposing school than going after their religion.

I like my "joshing" good natured.

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Here is What BYU Is All About!!!  Empty Re: Here is What BYU Is All About!!!

Post by Rochin54 Tue Sep 21, 2010 5:26 am

Stonehouse wrote:Whoa whoa whoa... I'm not going after your first amendment rights. Really! Smile

I'm just saying that Catholics in America know a thing or two about being discriminated against and judged for their religious beliefs, and I think there are much better ways to critique/tease/josh an opposing school than going after their religion.

I have no problem being critical of other schools - I've been going after the Zags and their message board for years and years now. But I do think that as fans of a religious institution we should hold ourselves to a higher standard when it comes to criticizing/teasing a fellow religious institution and their fans.

Hmm. I was hoping I would awake to a Stoney vs. Mesa throw down from last night. Alas....civility prevails. Boo.
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First man off the Bench

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Here is What BYU Is All About!!!  Empty Re: Here is What BYU Is All About!!!

Post by Geezaldinho Tue Sep 21, 2010 9:51 am

I saw Stoney hiding under his desk...

He claimed he was looking for a quarter.
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Here is What BYU Is All About!!!  Empty Re: Here is What BYU Is All About!!!

Post by DaTruRochin Tue Sep 21, 2010 10:19 am

Geezaldinho wrote:He claimed he was looking for a quarter.

We all know Stoney only uses paper money with multiple zeroes printed on them...

Here is What BYU Is All About!!!  Monopoly_money_100

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Here is What BYU Is All About!!!  Empty Re: Here is What BYU Is All About!!!

Post by onetouchfutbol Thu Sep 23, 2010 6:06 pm

"But I do think that as fans of a religious institution we should hold ourselves to a higher standard when it comes to criticizing/teasing a fellow religious institution and their fans."--Stoney.

Agreed. Plus, there's the fact that there are a lot of non-Mormons and non-Catholics who attend the institutions.

Twisted Evil

HEATHENS!!!! Just kidding.

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Here is What BYU Is All About!!!  Empty Re: Here is What BYU Is All About!!!

Post by pilotram Thu Sep 23, 2010 7:52 pm

Are there a lot of non-Mormons at BYU?

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Here is What BYU Is All About!!!  Empty Re: Here is What BYU Is All About!!!

Post by Geezaldinho Thu Sep 23, 2010 8:01 pm

pilotram wrote:Are there a lot of non-Mormons at BYU?

sure. about 600, if you figure that there are 30K undegrads and that the school is 98% mormon.

the 98% is the number on their wiki.
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Here is What BYU Is All About!!!  Empty Re: Here is What BYU Is All About!!!

Post by blacksheep Thu Sep 23, 2010 8:24 pm

Geezaldinho wrote:
pilotram wrote:Are there a lot of non-Mormons at BYU?

sure. about 600, if you figure that there are 30K undegrads and that the school is 98% mormon.

the 98% is the number on their wiki.

What percentage of the non-Mormons are there only because of BYU's athletics? My guess it that it's a lot.

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Here is What BYU Is All About!!!  Empty Re: Here is What BYU Is All About!!!

Post by pilotram Thu Sep 23, 2010 8:39 pm

So, basically all Mormon.
(edit: actually, I bet a lot of those 600 are grad students or post docs)

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Here is What BYU Is All About!!!  Empty Re: Here is What BYU Is All About!!!

Post by Geezaldinho Thu Sep 23, 2010 8:49 pm

pilotram wrote:So, basically all Mormon.
(edit: actually, I bet a lot of those 600 are grad students or post docs)

Well, OK, but then you have to count the 4000 grad students in the pool.

So- 680
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Location : Hopefully, having a Malbec on the square in Cafayate, AR
Registration date : 2007-04-28

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