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Hailee DeYoung

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Hailee DeYoung Empty Hailee DeYoung

Post by FANatic Mon Jul 26, 2010 2:33 pm

Is Hailee still in the program and is she healthy?

I recall seeing somewhere that the Pilots added a third freshman GK and that Hailee was out.

Did I dream this or what's the poop? scratch


Number of posts : 1238
Age : 84
Location : Portland
Registration date : 2007-09-14

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Hailee DeYoung Empty Re: Hailee DeYoung

Post by Geezaldinho Mon Jul 26, 2010 5:32 pm

FANatic wrote:Is Hailee still in the program and is she healthy?

I recall seeing somewhere that the Pilots added a third freshman GK and that Hailee was out.

Did I dream this or what's the poop? scratch


hadn't heard about a third keeper. I think they were resting her for some unspecified hip injury this spring, but last I heard they were hoping she'd be OK for the season.

Pilot Nation Legend
Pilot Nation Legend

Number of posts : 11837
Location : Hopefully, having a Malbec on the square in Cafayate, AR
Registration date : 2007-04-28

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Hailee DeYoung Empty Re: Hailee DeYoung

Post by A_Fan Mon Jul 26, 2010 6:38 pm

I've seen her at the summer games on campus, however she has not been dressed down and has not played.

Number of posts : 1539
Location : The country east of Hillsboro.
Registration date : 2007-09-10

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Hailee DeYoung Empty Re: Hailee DeYoung

Post by FANatic Tue Jul 27, 2010 9:54 am

Thanks, guys.

Interesting that she still isn't dressing down or currently playing.

Guess it's very good that Pilots are bringing in two top college freshmen GK's.

My guess is Erin Dees starts in goal at the August 20th season opener.

Beyond that, should be intresting.

Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

Number of posts : 1238
Age : 84
Location : Portland
Registration date : 2007-09-14

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Hailee DeYoung Empty Re: Hailee DeYoung

Post by purple haze Tue Jul 27, 2010 9:29 pm

Any rookie would be well protected by Pilots defense. But I am not eager to see a freshman keeper put in the line of fire for the season's kickoff.
purple haze
purple haze
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First man off the Bench

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Hailee DeYoung Empty Re: Hailee DeYoung

Post by Geezaldinho Tue Jul 27, 2010 10:56 pm

purple haze wrote:Any rookie would be well protected by Pilots defense. But I am not eager to see a freshman keeper put in the line of fire for the season's kickoff.

You may have forgotten that Cori Alexander came in as a freshman and played all 23 games, logging
2079 out of 2164 minutes in 2003.

Her first game was against a good Colorado team away , not PSU at home, and she got 16 shutouts that year.

The next three years turned out OK, too.
Pilot Nation Legend
Pilot Nation Legend

Number of posts : 11837
Location : Hopefully, having a Malbec on the square in Cafayate, AR
Registration date : 2007-04-28

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Hailee DeYoung Empty Re: Hailee DeYoung

Post by purple haze Fri Jul 30, 2010 11:10 pm

Geez, I know you will never let any of us forget such stats. A rookie keeper would have to be very special to be first string right at the start. I'd prefer to have Hailee healthy and then I'd trust the coach's choice.
purple haze
purple haze
First man off the Bench
First man off the Bench

Number of posts : 749
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Registration date : 2008-02-11

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Hailee DeYoung Empty Re: Hailee DeYoung

Post by Harry Redknapp Sun Aug 01, 2010 4:03 pm

If Hailee is not able to play at the start of the season it will give the two freshmen a chance to get some good experience. They are both good prospects.
Harry Redknapp
Harry Redknapp

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Hailee DeYoung Empty Hailee DeYonung

Post by keeper Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:34 pm

Ran into a couple of Pilots this last weekend. According to the ladies, Hailee is almost recovered and will be playing this fall.

Bench Warmer
Bench Warmer

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Registration date : 2010-04-16

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Hailee DeYoung Empty Re: Hailee DeYoung

Post by Harry Redknapp Tue Aug 03, 2010 8:05 pm

Still could be the case that she's not 100% ready on August 20th. If Mss. Dees and Downing get to play half each for a couple of games it's all to the good in terms of experience.
Harry Redknapp
Harry Redknapp

Number of posts : 753
Age : 69
Location : NE Portland
Registration date : 2007-09-15

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