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Pac 10 + Half the Big 12 = Galactic Intercollegiate Empire?

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Pac 10 + Half the Big 12 = Galactic Intercollegiate Empire? - Page 3 Empty Re: Pac 10 + Half the Big 12 = Galactic Intercollegiate Empire?

Post by pilotram Wed Aug 18, 2010 4:44 pm

Looks like BYU is trying to go independent. Bye bye, MWC.

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Location : Seattle, WA
Registration date : 2009-02-03

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Pac 10 + Half the Big 12 = Galactic Intercollegiate Empire? - Page 3 Empty Re: Pac 10 + Half the Big 12 = Galactic Intercollegiate Empire?

Post by pilotram Wed Aug 18, 2010 5:56 pm

Now the WCC is involved:

WCC commissioner Jamie Zaninovich told ESPN.com early Wednesday the league would be interested in pursuing BYU for all sports except football. Zaninovich said BYU would fit well with the other church-based institutions in the eight-team league. Zaninovich told ESPN.com he reached out to BYU but hasn't heard back.

Number of posts : 1136
Location : Seattle, WA
Registration date : 2009-02-03

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Pac 10 + Half the Big 12 = Galactic Intercollegiate Empire? - Page 3 Empty Re: Pac 10 + Half the Big 12 = Galactic Intercollegiate Empire?

Post by Geezaldinho Wed Aug 18, 2010 6:22 pm


there are already 3 other teams in line. I thought the WCC was going to delay a decision.

I guess they are looking for the right package.

Looks like more Thur-Sat games if it happens. BYU won't play on Sunday.
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Pac 10 + Half the Big 12 = Galactic Intercollegiate Empire? - Page 3 Empty Re: Pac 10 + Half the Big 12 = Galactic Intercollegiate Empire?

Post by pilotram Wed Aug 18, 2010 6:39 pm

This whole thing may be a trick. Or, the joke is now on BYU who in their right mind wouldn't want the rest of their teams competing in the WAC now that FSU and Nevada are gonzo.

Number of posts : 1136
Location : Seattle, WA
Registration date : 2009-02-03

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Pac 10 + Half the Big 12 = Galactic Intercollegiate Empire? - Page 3 Empty Re: Pac 10 + Half the Big 12 = Galactic Intercollegiate Empire?

Post by pilotram Wed Aug 18, 2010 8:01 pm


But any leverage they might have had to extract concessions from the league in order to stay have evaporated, and sources within the league said some school officials are annoyed by the way the Cougars apparently have been working to choreograph their departure for months. The Cougars reportedly had a hand in getting the WAC to institute its buyout, for example, in order to ensure that no other teams would depart the league before they joined.

Haha, BYU was planning their getaway months ago, only to get the tables turned on them. Serves them right!

Number of posts : 1136
Location : Seattle, WA
Registration date : 2009-02-03

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Pac 10 + Half the Big 12 = Galactic Intercollegiate Empire? - Page 3 Empty Re: Pac 10 + Half the Big 12 = Galactic Intercollegiate Empire?

Post by Geezaldinho Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:11 pm

More news on the conference shakeup front from an LSU follower's twitter feed:

Texas A&M could be on the move . Meeting with board of regents Thurs to discuss move to the SEC. That means SEC will shopping for two

The SEC only works in pairs.

Any guesses?
Pilot Nation Legend
Pilot Nation Legend

Number of posts : 11849
Location : Hopefully, having a Malbec on the square in Cafayate, AR
Registration date : 2007-04-28

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Pac 10 + Half the Big 12 = Galactic Intercollegiate Empire? - Page 3 Empty Re: Pac 10 + Half the Big 12 = Galactic Intercollegiate Empire?

Post by DaTruRochin Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:34 pm

Hahaha TCU has got to be kicking themselves.... Although the Big East is a way easier BCS bid I guess.

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