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2011 Women's World Cup

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2011 Women's World Cup Empty 2011 Women's World Cup

Post by saebo98661 Wed Dec 16, 2009 9:38 am

I will be very curious to see who will be on the roster for the 2011 Women's World Cup. I would be interested to see who all of you think are givens to be on the roster, and who are on the bubble as possibilities depending on how they play over the course of the next year. A year and a half can change a lot of minds with players getting older and just losing a step or two. Do you think Sophie will be on the Canadien World Cup team if they qualify? Any other Portland ties to other players that will be in the World Cup? I am expecting Megan Rapinoe to be a given.


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2011 Women's World Cup Empty Re: 2011 Women's World Cup

Post by Harry Redknapp Wed Dec 16, 2009 6:05 pm

No reason why Sophie would not be on the Canadian team.
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Harry Redknapp

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2011 Women's World Cup Empty Re: 2011 Women's World Cup

Post by VillaGorilla Wed Dec 16, 2009 10:37 pm

I hear Sinclair has a shot at making the Canadian team.
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2011 Women's World Cup Empty Re: 2011 Women's World Cup

Post by fan from afar Thu Dec 17, 2009 5:12 am

She might just squeak in
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2011 Women's World Cup Empty Re: 2011 Women's World Cup

Post by fozziewozzie Fri Dec 25, 2009 10:50 pm

i know we are all wanna be canadians when it comes to sinc an soph!!

lets treat this question seriously. while i would love to see our beloved pilots on the roster, i would be surprised realisticly to see any of our gals on the national team in 2011.

i think megan rapinoe has the best shot of our former alum, but as much as i love our girls, in 1.5 years i really dont see this happening.

i hope i am proven wrong. i would love to be beaten down! i know we have incrediblly talented players! but do we really have national team members anymore?!
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2011 Women's World Cup Empty Re: 2011 Women's World Cup

Post by fan from afar Sat Dec 26, 2009 4:04 am

I expect to see Meghan starting. Other than that, Fozzie is probably right - possibly Keelin. She was, after all, captain of her age group team. Cloee has a real good chance for the next one.
fan from afar
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2011 Women's World Cup Empty Re: 2011 Women's World Cup

Post by SoreKnees Sat Dec 26, 2009 7:49 am

What is Stephanie Cox's status these days? Is she out of favor?
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2011 Women's World Cup Empty Re: 2011 Women's World Cup

Post by Harry Redknapp Sat Dec 26, 2009 2:05 pm

Megan should be on the team; not sure about anyone else. Kelsey could make the team if she has a good year next season.
Harry Redknapp
Harry Redknapp

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2011 Women's World Cup Empty Re: 2011 Women's World Cup

Post by fwill Wed Jan 13, 2010 10:40 pm

Rapinoe seems to better as a pro than she was in her last year at UP - goodness knows her accuracy has improved - and she probably has the best shot at making the 2011 roster. Sundhage seems to really like speed on her team and Megan's got that.

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2011 Women's World Cup Empty Re: 2011 Women's World Cup

Post by DaTruRochin Wed Jan 13, 2010 11:38 pm

Well, theoretically she's surrounded by the best of the best now... She was with a relatively young roster for much of her senior year after the departure of our World Cup representatives...

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2011 Women's World Cup Empty Re: 2011 Women's World Cup

Post by purple haze Sat Jan 23, 2010 4:27 pm

Megan definitely impressed Sundhage and deserves to make the team. Of course I am totally biased but I like Megan at midfield more than some others the US national team has played in recent campaigns. She adds a fighting spirit and attacking presence that is always valuable.
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