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did you know??

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did you know?? Empty did you know??

Post by fozziewozzie Thu Nov 19, 2009 12:48 am

reading the u of p vs va tech thread, telinois from va tech joshingly said how surprised he was that dani had 22 goals on the year and that he thought she might be maradona in drag. then he went to our roster an saw how attractive dani is which made me go to our roster an re-read the bio's our our gals.
how many knew that kassie has duel citizenship with canada an the u.s.? she was born in calgary, alberta.
did you know that one our all time greats, michelle e was born in eugene, or?? how bout that, another player from oregon on the team!!
lastly, an this is my biggest puzzle, is that megan sweeney's mother lori played for the us womens national team! who knew?? an who is megan's mother?
an i the only clueless member of this forumn? if i am, i can take it, let me have it!!
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did you know?? Empty Re: did you know??

Post by DaTruRochin Thu Nov 19, 2009 1:16 am

Well, we don't normally like to tell people so out in front like this but uhhhhh....

No, you really aren't........... heck I'm clueless and they made me moderator!

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did you know?? Empty Re: did you know??

Post by MonkeyFan Thu Nov 19, 2009 7:57 am

"did you know that one our all time greats, michelle e was born in eugene, or??"

This subject led me to go onto the team website and look at Michelle's career numbers. When you add this year's numbers she is now 4th on the all time points list! Wow, how lucky we are to have witnessed her as a Pilot!


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did you know?? Empty Re: did you know??

Post by fozziewozzie Thu Nov 19, 2009 8:21 pm

to put it in perspective,
#1 is probably chirstine sinclair.
#2 tiffeny milbtrett
#3 shannon macmillian
#4 michelle enyeart

this is just off the top of my head, but i believe it is correct. so, all time greats, we all recognize sinc, tiff an mac as our all time bests.

so how does michelle's name look there to everyone? personally, i love it!!
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did you know?? Empty Re: did you know??

Post by ShipstadPilot11 Thu Nov 19, 2009 8:25 pm

I sure hope that Michelle and her fellow seniors get the send-off they deserve this year. Tomorrow they should be one step closer.

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did you know?? Empty Re: did you know??

Post by harryb Thu Nov 19, 2009 9:55 pm

If Michelle had played the whole season this year and last, she'd be even higher. I doubt that she'd pass Shannon in career goals though.
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did you know?? Empty Re: did you know??

Post by fozziewozzie Sat Nov 21, 2009 8:37 pm

the one question i would still like answered is, who is megan sweeney's mother lori, whlo played for the national team? i'm thinking she probably played with michelle akers in her early years with the team before, mia, kristine, et al came on board.

am i the only one who is curious? an i am sure someone out there in pilot nation [geez], who knows the answer.
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did you know?? Empty Re: did you know??

Post by onetouchfutbol Sat Nov 21, 2009 9:01 pm

I found this on Lori Sweeney. You're right, she played with Akers and was a pioneer for the WNT:

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did you know?? Empty Re: did you know??

Post by UPSoccerFanatic Sat Nov 21, 2009 10:11 pm

Wow, great find!

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did you know?? Empty Re: did you know??

Post by Harry Redknapp Sun Nov 22, 2009 12:35 pm

And speaking of records set this year, in addition to the great career numbers by Michelle Enyeart, Danielle Foxhoven has the 5th best points total in a season - 60 (and is only 2 from equalling #4). Her 24 goals is 6th best ever, with only Christine (twice) and Tiff (three timnes) beating that.

She is already #9 on the career points total and #5 in career goals - behind Christine, Tiff, Shannon, and Michelle E.
Harry Redknapp
Harry Redknapp

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did you know?? Empty Re: did you know??

Post by fozziewozzie Sun Nov 22, 2009 3:15 pm

thank you so very much for finding this for not just me, but for all of us!!

i remember the season ticket holders preview to megan's incoming season, an as under recruited as i believe she was, i was very impressed by her.

just another example of how u of p is able to identify propects!!
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