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Dunbar top HS runner in the 5000

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Dunbar top HS runner in the 5000 Empty Dunbar top HS runner in the 5000

Post by Geezaldinho Mon Jun 29, 2009 11:14 pm

Trevor Dunbar finished third in the Junior track and Field Finals at Hayward Field yesterday, which was the top finish for a high school runner.
his time was 14:38.30 .

Oklahoma State's Colby Lowe won the event at 14:31.27

Pilot Nation Legend
Pilot Nation Legend

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Dunbar top HS runner in the 5000 Empty Re: Dunbar top HS runner in the 5000

Post by ekrauss Tue Jun 30, 2009 4:07 am

Imagine if the basketball team was able to recruit a McDonald's All-America. That's what Dunbar represents for the cross country program. And the 8th place finisher in the same race was Conner Peloquin, a junior from Gig Harbor, Washington, His dad, Paul, was an excellent runner for the Pilots in the early 1980s. Conner's turning into quite a runner too and it will be interesting to see if Coach Conner can bring this promising young athlete into the program as well.

Bench Warmer
Bench Warmer

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Dunbar top HS runner in the 5000 Empty Re: Dunbar top HS runner in the 5000

Post by pilotram Tue Jun 30, 2009 6:53 am

Nice. If he had a year of college under his belt, he'd probably beat those other two.

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