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Texas 2nd Round Game

Poopdeck Pappy
purple haze
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Harry Redknapp
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Texas 2nd Round Game - Page 4 Empty Re: Texas 2nd Round Game

Post by wyeast Sun Nov 16, 2008 8:13 pm

First half, after the "media break", did anyone else notice Megan R's move where she tapped the ball left then ran to the right around the player and recieved her own pass by the touch line?

And that Texas keeper... she is good but what a risk taker. I was waiting for her to get burned on one of her hang it out there decisions but it didn't happen this game.


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Texas 2nd Round Game - Page 4 Empty Re: Texas 2nd Round Game

Post by Auto Pilot Sun Nov 16, 2008 8:54 pm

The Texas keeper probably saved her team from an embarassing loss by coming off her line. Its always a crapshoot. In an ordinary college game she probably would have had a shutout but for the relentless and effective Pilot attack. She is a senior so in a way she can be glad she left it all on the field.
Auto Pilot
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Texas 2nd Round Game - Page 4 Empty Re: Texas 2nd Round Game

Post by PurplePrideTrumpet Mon Nov 17, 2008 2:50 pm

Harry Redknapp wrote:
If Stephanie Logterman is all American then Jessica Tsao got robbed by not being so recognized. JT has been UP defensive player of the season for me.
Now here is something that got me thinking. I noticed that more than once, Texas gave Jessica so much space she could almost walk into the 18. On the other side there were times when Megan S. went unmarked as well. Are attacking left and right backs so rare in college that teams don't defend well against them? Was Texas overly concerned with Megan R., Sophie, and Danielle in the middle of the field? What do you gaffers out there think?

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Texas 2nd Round Game - Page 4 Empty Re: Texas 2nd Round Game

Post by aleppiek Mon Nov 17, 2008 3:04 pm

I noticed that as well and it made me long for the rocket shots of Lopez and Cronkcrite

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Texas 2nd Round Game - Page 4 Empty Re: Texas 2nd Round Game

Post by Poopdeck Pappy Mon Nov 17, 2008 3:15 pm

Texas' gameplan may have been to keep the ball from our 3 proven scorers and force someone else to beat them. So, from the Longhorn perspective, they probably felt like they were appropriately concerned with Soph, Megan R., and Dani in the middle. It may have been their strategy to pay overly close attention to those 3 proven goal-scorers even if it meant that other Pilots, including the outside backs, got space.

Did you notice that we let Logterman have space in the middle of our end several times in the first half. It scared the wits out of me. She may not be Jessica's equal, but she is a dangerous hombre nonetheless.
Poopdeck Pappy
Poopdeck Pappy
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Texas 2nd Round Game - Page 4 Empty Re: Texas 2nd Round Game

Post by SoreKnees Mon Nov 17, 2008 3:19 pm

I noticed that and was equally concerned. She schooled Sara J twice early, then Megan R. stayed on the right side after taking a right-side corner kick and Sara (later Janelle) moved to our left. It didn't happen again.
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Texas 2nd Round Game - Page 4 Empty Re: Texas 2nd Round Game

Post by FANatic Mon Nov 17, 2008 5:09 pm

Righto! I have to agree. Well put.

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Texas 2nd Round Game - Page 4 Empty Re: Texas 2nd Round Game

Post by purple haze Mon Nov 17, 2008 8:39 pm

Attacking backs are rare -- at least we almost never see them attacking vs. Pilots at Merlo. Sending a backliner forward is a Pilots trademark -- it takes a whole team effort IMHO to do it successfully -- including midfielders who knows when to drop back to cover and when to support the attack, and strikers being ready for a pass or cross. It also takes a heck of a fast back line to recover if the attaker loses the ball. The Pilots would not outshoot opponents so consistently without the added attacking force of their outside backs. I love it -- and think that Jessica's crosses are now Cronkrite-worthy. She is just dropping bombs into enemy territory. I am still waiting for her to outright shoot on goal.
purple haze
purple haze
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Texas 2nd Round Game - Page 4 Empty Re: Texas 2nd Round Game

Post by fozziewozzie Tue Nov 18, 2008 2:01 am

while i love jess's crosses an runs, i have to say that i am more impressed with her 'd'. since i didnt buy a program, she dispossessed #21 of the longhorns so many times that #21 moved to the other side of the field she was so frustrated!! this team is truly unbelievable!!!
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Texas 2nd Round Game - Page 4 Empty Re: Texas 2nd Round Game

Post by Harry Redknapp Tue Nov 18, 2008 7:55 am

Jessica's play in the last couple of weeks has stepped up another level. She seems to have gained some confidence and is strong on defense and going forward.
Harry Redknapp
Harry Redknapp

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