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Opals win with Warren, Thomas

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Opals win with Warren, Thomas Empty Opals win with Warren, Thomas

Post by Geezaldinho Wed Aug 22, 2007 6:21 pm

Porlandppilots has a piece on Laura Thomas and Rachel Warren helping Australia win the gold in the World University Games, Playing for the Australian Defence Force Opals. (did they get drafted?)
It got me looking around to find more.

Australia did it by beating teams from China, Poland,Canada,Turkey, the Czech Republic,and Russia. Their only loss was to Brasil, who finished in last place in the tournament.The US team, represented by the university of Charlotte, was out of the medals standings

Here are a couple stories:

I wonder if those one piece uni's will catch on here?

I haven't found any box scores yet.

A great win for them.

Pilot Nation Legend
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Registration date : 2007-04-28

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