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Pepperdine @ Merlo 10/19/2008

purple haze
Harry Redknapp
Auto Pilot
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Pepperdine @ Merlo 10/19/2008 - Page 4 Empty Re: Pepperdine @ Merlo 10/19/2008

Post by Geezaldinho Mon Oct 20, 2008 4:24 pm

You shoulda seen her beret after the game. Definite fashion statement.
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Pepperdine @ Merlo 10/19/2008 - Page 4 Empty Re: Pepperdine @ Merlo 10/19/2008

Post by Auto Pilot Mon Oct 20, 2008 5:08 pm

I don't know about the beret but the pants were definately Nike. They remind me of the pants my friends used to wear on the golf course. You know Bobby Jones, Ben Hogan.
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Pepperdine @ Merlo 10/19/2008 - Page 4 Empty Re: Pepperdine @ Merlo 10/19/2008

Post by decrink Mon Oct 20, 2008 9:22 pm

Yeah, I meant Megan of course. And she doesn't need to "win me over" or "grow on me". I've always thought she is sensational and I'm pretty certain one day she will be on the US national 11 (if she stays healthy). I just think she had two games that were inferior for her and seemed to be forcing things to happen. The team played poorly for them, the ever changing lineup has them out of sync and their youth was on display in the 2nd half Sunday. So what. They have to get healthy and in sync in the next few weeks. The loss of the Tres Amigas (especially Keelin) but not insurmountable. They have a long way to go to be ready to face the creme of College soccer with older more experienced players. Hey, at least those drummer dudes were rockin'

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Pepperdine @ Merlo 10/19/2008 - Page 4 Empty Re: Pepperdine @ Merlo 10/19/2008

Post by ohhh_yeah Mon Oct 20, 2008 9:36 pm

all of the photos are now uploaded: http://flickr.com/photos/41639453@N00/sets/72157608222561452/

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Pepperdine @ Merlo 10/19/2008 - Page 4 Empty Re: Pepperdine @ Merlo 10/19/2008

Post by Auto Pilot Mon Oct 20, 2008 9:56 pm

That pic is amusing and ironic. It appears he is giving the peace sign but we all know he is saying choose your caption:

1. You missed to two calls in a row.
2. You have two minutes to live.
3. How many fingers do you see?
4. He is about to give the Three Stooges Moe eye gouge.
5. No hard feelings, I have two reservations at the Portland grill wanna go?
Auto Pilot
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Pepperdine @ Merlo 10/19/2008 - Page 4 Empty Re: Pepperdine @ Merlo 10/19/2008

Post by Guest Mon Oct 20, 2008 10:14 pm

Ohhh Yeah,

Great pictures!

The 2 # 7's are on the same club team and had a good battle throughout the game.


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Pepperdine @ Merlo 10/19/2008 - Page 4 Empty Re: Pepperdine @ Merlo 10/19/2008

Post by purple haze Mon Oct 20, 2008 10:28 pm

Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck! Good humor, AutoPilot! Funnier even than Kelsey's clamdigger pants. Or, to go with her French beret, maybe we call them culottes.

Love the photos, ohh_yeah. Most excellent. Many thanks to all who make the effort to capture other views of the game in photos, in videoand in links to other sites. Pilot Nation is a digital info paradise.

After all the hooting and holllering, what remains in my mind about the Pepperdine game and every game is the amazing crowd of soccer lovers at Merlo who fill the stands with wise (and wiseass) comments. Section B, in case you have not had the pleasure of sitting there, is a cacophony of veteran advice, informed predictions, prayerful wishes, groans and cries of despair, cheers and encouragement, guidance for our children who play the game, taunts at the ref no matter who it is, and sharing of kettle corn. Yeah, I think I'll be there next time
purple haze
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Pepperdine @ Merlo 10/19/2008 - Page 4 Empty Re: Pepperdine @ Merlo 10/19/2008

Post by DaTruRochin Mon Oct 20, 2008 11:15 pm

Haha as to the capri pants sighting, they have been REALLY popular amongst European soccer circles for both women for a while now and have only recently gotten some traction in the states, albiet pretty much only with pretty hard core plans and players. They are actually pretty comfortable to train in, but I don't really see it bridging the gap as a truly unisex fashion any time soon...

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