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Oregonian artilce

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Oregonian artilce Empty Oregonian artilce

Post by Geezaldinho Sat Sep 13, 2008 8:11 am

Boaz Herzog got a couple nice quotes on the NAU game.

Oregon live

Is this grounds for calling Elli Reed Grandpa?

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Oregonian artilce Empty Re: Oregonian artilce

Post by Stonehouse Sat Sep 13, 2008 10:46 am

"Elli Reed carved us up like grandfather at Thanksgiving dinner," Lumberjacks coach Andre Luciano said.

Ha ha ha... what a great line! Color me a fan of coach Luciano... he had a lot of good things to say in the articles before the game and it seems like he's got a great attitude about his team. Hope NAU can do well the rest of the way!

I actually met coach Luciano's brother before the game too... gave him directions to the stadium. Small world.
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