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coach rob tells us about the season

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coach rob tells us about the season Empty coach rob tells us about the season

Post by Geezaldinho Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:16 pm

Rob's Podcast

Rob tells us about the season, the new guys, the vets, and what contests are coming up.

It's a pretty complete rundown of what he expects will happen. One thing that caught my ear is that he thinks this will be the best Pilot team ever, and he expects we will do better Nationally than last year, even with loosing last years leaders.

Wow, sounds like a great season coming up.
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coach rob tells us about the season Empty Re: coach rob tells us about the season

Post by Stonehouse Fri Sep 05, 2008 3:55 pm

Yeah, pretty strong words from Conner, talking about how he thinks David Kinsella could challenge Rupp for the West Regional title. It's definitely exciting to think how this team could do if Alfred is everything they say he will be and if Kinsella can stay healty. Rob just might be right saying they are the best 1-2 punch in the country. Pretty exciting!!!
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