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WAY OT: Last Lecture

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WAY OT: Last Lecture Empty WAY OT: Last Lecture

Post by aleppiek Thu Jul 31, 2008 12:19 pm

I had not heard of Randy Pausch before this week. I somewhat randomly came to be watching Primetime or Dateline or one of those newsmagazine shows this week while getting the new baby fed and set to sleep for a bit and began watching. If you have not seen the video... WOW! You really need to watch Randy Pausch's "Last Lecture" For those who like me had not heard of Randy, he was a professor who had been diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer. The lecture series was not named because of this, it was mere coincidence, but it turned out to be literal. I think that this lecture was made even more poignant for me because of my own entry into fatherhood and my own desire to see the dreams of my son become reality for him. I highly recommend setting aside some time to watch this... it is well worth your time. Pay special attention to the "Headfakes" at the end.

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Registration date : 2007-11-14

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