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Da'Love Woods gets a mention in the Trib

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Da'Love Woods gets a mention in the Trib Empty Da'Love Woods gets a mention in the Trib

Post by Geezaldinho Fri Feb 08, 2008 4:06 pm

Kerry Eggers devotes the second part of This Story to the latest goings on with Da'Love Woods, who played two years for UP before leaving to attend school at PSU, where she got her degree and Masters.
If you don't remember her, she was a 5'3" point who got the tournament scoring record (31 pts.) in 2001 year and was all conference in 2002.

She's playing for pro ball for Leipzig now, and is director of the Women's Summer League here in Portland during the summer.

There was another story about her by Jason Vondersmith last summer -
Portland girl creates a league of her own
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Registration date : 2007-04-28

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