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8/12 Match Day: Oregon (Exhibition)

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8/12 Match Day: Oregon (Exhibition) Empty 8/12 Match Day: Oregon (Exhibition)

Post by ExpatPilot Sat Aug 12, 2017 12:31 pm

It's officially gameday! The 2017 fall sport season really KICKS off today with the women's soccer exhibition against the Webfoots. Hopefully, someone here will be able to provide a post-match report on the team.

Good luck, ladies!

Goal Celebration!


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8/12 Match Day: Oregon (Exhibition) Empty Re: 8/12 Match Day: Oregon (Exhibition)

Post by UPSoccerFanatic Sun Aug 13, 2017 11:27 pm

Not a full report, but the score was 1-1. From a real world perspective, the result doesn't mean a whole lot. Both teams played a ton of players, way more than would be in a "counting" game. For the Pilots, they have 22 players on their roster, including 3 GKs. Of those players, 21 played including all 3 GKs. The only rostered player who didn't was Jess Kennedy, hearsay being she injured her knee again and is out for the season. Evil or Very Mad

My subjective report is that the Pilots' starting and finishing lineups were significantly better than Oregon's. In between, with all the Pilots' youngsters on the field, it was pretty sketchy.

Number of posts : 1878
Age : 79
Location : Portland, Oregon
Registration date : 2007-10-31


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