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WCC Venue Rankings

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WCC Venue Rankings Empty WCC Venue Rankings

Post by ExpatPilot Sun Aug 07, 2016 5:30 pm

Here is clickbait-y ESPN article that ranks the various WCC basketball venues. Have at it Pilot Nation: http://www.espn.com/mens-college-basketball/story/_/id/17216799/west-coast-conference-venues-ranked-according-difficulty.


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WCC Venue Rankings Empty Re: WCC Venue Rankings

Post by Guest Mon Aug 08, 2016 12:23 pm

Not too many surprises. But they open up the PSU wound once again.


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WCC Venue Rankings Empty Re: WCC Venue Rankings

Post by DoubleDipper Mon Aug 08, 2016 7:57 pm

up7587 wrote:Not too many surprises.
Yeah, I agree, but would say it's really a toss-up for third place between all the schools except GU and BYU.....it just depends which school gets the most fired up for a particular game.

I've watched Pilot games at all the venues, and although we on PN are generally disappointed by the lack of a loud atmosphere in the Chiles Center, I've experienced worse at all the other venues except in Spokane and Provo.

The GU atmosphere is just plain fun, but the atmosphere at BYU is no fun at all as the fans just can't seem to understand that from time-to-time referee calls or non-calls may not favor the Cougars....boooo, boooo, boooo!
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