Testing the waters
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Testing the waters
So I don't post often in women's soccer but I had an idea and was curious about how realistic it is. So I'm a huge fan of ESPN's 30 for 30 documentary series. I'm a huge fan of their 30 for 30 shorts, and even a huge fan of the series of short documentary series they released last week. When thinking about them, I can't help but think that Clive Charles would be a fantastic topic for at least a documentary short, if not a full length feature. Problem for me is that I really don't know that much about the man other than what can be found online. I was curious what you all think. Is there enough material to cover a feature? What, if any, challenges would come from a subject like Clive Charles? I'm especially interested in the impact he had on Portland Soccer Culture. Any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks
DTLegend- Pilot Nation Regular
- Number of posts : 385
Age : 36
Location : Sacramento
Registration date : 2008-04-16
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