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merry christmas

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merry christmas Empty merry christmas

Post by fozziewozzie Tue Dec 25, 2007 11:55 pm

there is still 10 mnutes left in this day so i want to take the oppotunity to wish everyone in pilot nation a very merry christmas an to hopefully carry this thread on further, a happy new year!! heres to our girls!! may they contend for many, many more champhionships that we all know they so richly deserve! go pilots!!!
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merry christmas Empty Re: merry christmas

Post by FANatic Wed Dec 26, 2007 7:13 pm

GO fozzie - Thank you so much for the post. I wanted to post, but couldn't come up with anything that seemed like anyone would care about. Hope you and everyone else out there had a Merry Christmas. (Regardless of whether you celebrate the holiday or not, it is, none the less a holiday unless you had to work!) cheers cheers cheers

And yes let's keep this thread a goin' as we look toward the New Year. I know that the team basically starts training in January for the new year. They are preparing for spring training which I believe, (correct me if I am wrong), starts in about maybe late Feb and goes through March with the Alumni game, then on to five or six exhibitions before culminating with a game against usually the Canadian or Mexican national team around April 20th.

I hope all of you Pilots fans out there will rack your brains with some good things to share with us in the slow months to come. I'm going to try and see if I can find any info on any currunt or future Pilots and hope that other members will contribute any other type of info or shares with us a favorite anecdote about any personal run-ins you may have had with Pilots team members over the years.

Happy New Year to all and let's keep this forum alive with at least a slow pulse until things start picking up later in the year. Go Pilots in 2008!!! Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

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merry christmas Empty Re: merry christmas

Post by DoubleDipper Tue Oct 15, 2013 8:12 pm

fozziewozzie wrote:there is still 10 minutes left in this day so i want to take the opportunity to wish everyone in pilot nation a very merry Christmas an to hopefully carry this thread on further, a happy new year!! Here’s to our girls!! May they contend for many, many more championships that we all know they so richly deserve! Go Pilots!!!
Well, in an effort to keep fozzie's thread alive, or resurrect if from the dead, I wanted everyone to know that with just over two months to go until Christmas, it's never too soon to pick up some savings while doing your Christmas shopping....

For the rest of this week, just mention that you saw this soccer ball on the UP Bookstore Facebook page to get a 25% discount at the UP Bookstore!!santa

merry christmas Soccer10
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