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Pressley named conference Player of the Week

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Pressley named conference Player of the Week Empty Pressley named conference Player of the Week

Post by NoPoNeighbor Mon Dec 23 2013, 15:29


Never would have guessed that two different Pilots would win POW honors during the non-conference season... and that neither would be named Nicholas or Bailey!


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Pressley named conference Player of the Week Empty Re: Pressley named conference Player of the Week

Post by Geezaldinho Mon Dec 23 2013, 16:48

This one was a no brainer.

They walked into the office and said
anybody have a better idea? no? OK --- Merry Christmas!!
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Pressley named conference Player of the Week Empty Re: Pressley named conference Player of the Week

Post by oldtimer Mon Dec 23 2013, 18:19

Geezer is probably pretty close to the truth there considering that the Pilots had 3 games last week.

Bench Warmer
Bench Warmer

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