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Lorielle's blog

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Lorielle's blog Empty Lorielle's blog

Post by A_Fan Wed Oct 16, 2013 11:53 am

The latest post is up on Lorielle's blog. It includes a pretty fun video of their recent trip to Southern California.


Number of posts : 1539
Location : The country east of Hillsboro.
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Lorielle's blog Empty Re: Lorielle's blog

Post by Geezaldinho Tue Nov 26, 2013 9:12 am

University of Portland Athletics - The Women's Soccer Blog with Lorielle McCluskie: Entry #14
Women's Soccer Blog with Lorielle McCluskie
Entry #14
Monday, Nov. 25, 2013

When your season ends earlier than anticipated against a team who statistically you should've beaten it is referred to as an upset. Looking back at this past season and at the team we had, I would say it was anything but an upset. Yeah losing in the second round of the playoffs was not what we wanted or anticipated but that's what happened, and in life things don't always go your way. No one more than us wishes we were still in the fight to be champions, but I also don't think anyone is also as proud of what we did accomplish. We brought a style to soccer, that not many teams attain, to play and not only did we play with it but we dominated with it.
During the past couple years people have been saying that we have lost a lot of who Portland was, but this year all anyone could talk about was how we brought it back. There were times during games this season that I would just stand there in awe watching our team and what we could do with the ball. We would get out of the smallest places just packed with people by purely playing simple and moving off the ball. In those moments all I could do was watch and just be so unbelievably proud of my team and what we able to achieve.
I wish more than anything that we could send off our seniors with a championship or something more because they deserve it and it breaks my heart that they never got it. Next year is my senior year, I only have one more shot at it myself and it's crazy to think that three seasons have passed already. Time really does go by quickly, which is why you have to appreciate and take in every moment like it's your last.
So no, this season was not an upset, it was anything but that. This season is something to be proud of and is a season that I will forever remember because we played soccer in a way that not many can and we were successful at it. I am walking away from this season more proud than ever to say I am a Pilot because being that alone is larger than anything.
So thank you to everyone who came out to the games and supported us this year. Your support means more than you will ever know to us and once again we are lucky enough to say that we have the best fans in the country. We can also say that we led the nation in attendance for the ninth year in a row, so we owe all of you a big THANK YOU for that.

Until next year, stay Rad,

Pilot Nation Legend
Pilot Nation Legend

Number of posts : 11837
Location : Hopefully, having a Malbec on the square in Cafayate, AR
Registration date : 2007-04-28

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Lorielle's blog Empty Re: Lorielle's blog

Post by A_Fan Tue Nov 26, 2013 9:30 am

A very thoughtful end to her blog year.

Number of posts : 1539
Location : The country east of Hillsboro.
Registration date : 2007-09-10

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Lorielle's blog Empty Re: Lorielle's blog

Post by Dan No Yell Tue Nov 26, 2013 11:07 am


Dan No Yell
Bench Warmer
Bench Warmer

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