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Parker is WCC POW

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Parker is WCC POW Empty Parker is WCC POW

Post by Geezaldinho Mon Sep 23, 2013 11:27 am

Ellen Palmer Parker was selected as the West Coast Conference player of the week. http://portlandpilots.com/news/2013/9/23/WSOC_0923134430.aspx?path=wsoc

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Parker is WCC POW Empty Re: Parker is WCC POW

Post by gnarly Tue Sep 24, 2013 9:49 pm

Watching the replay of the game, they credited [s]Palmer[/s] Parker with an assist on the first goal.  She kicked off but defender trapped the ball  and passed off on the back line where it was all Capelle with the steal and finish.   I would have credited Wetherington with the assist on the second goal as she played Ellen's first shot which was off a defender which Ellen put it in the net.

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Parker is WCC POW Empty Re: Parker is WCC POW

Post by UPSoccerFanatic Tue Sep 24, 2013 10:06 pm

gnarly wrote:Watching the replay of the game, they credited [s]Palmer[/s] Parker with an assist on the first goal.  She kicked off but defender trapped the ball  and passed off on the back line where it was all Capelle with the steal and finish.   I would have credited Wetherington with the assist on the second goal as she played Ellen's first shot which was off a defender which Ellen put it in the net.
As happened on a couple of other occasions, the TV camera missed something -- there is a jerk in what the camera is covering and I think there is some lost "footage" there, apparently Ellen tipping a ball that forced the defender to try to get it under control, which is when Micaela stole it from her. That's the best I can figure from what I saw and what I've read.

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Registration date : 2007-10-31


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