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Oh, You Mariners

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Oh, You Mariners Empty Oh, You Mariners

Post by Guest Fri Jun 21, 2013 12:32 pm

Ahead 7 - 0 sunny, with King Felix on the mound king, you'd think the Mariners would be cruising to a victory, like a pig in mud pig. But no No. Someone must have taken over Felix's body alien, because he gave up 7 straight hits in the 5th confused, and their reliever Medina managed to walk in the winning Angel run in the 8th santa. On 4 pitches, with two out scratch.  Hope no one had money on that one Suspect.


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Oh, You Mariners Empty Re: Oh, You Mariners

Post by DoubleDipper Fri Jun 21, 2013 1:09 pm

up7587 wrote:Ahead 7 - 0 sunny, with King Felix on the mound king, you'd think the Mariners would be cruising to a victory, like a pig in mud pig. But no No. Someone must have taken over Felix's body alien, because he gave up 7 straight hits in the 5th confused, and their reliever Medina managed to walk in the winning Angel run in the 8th santa. On 4 pitches, with two out scratch.  Hope no one had money on that one Suspect.
Haha, well done, 7587, but where's the script that includes albinorendeermonkey, and my favorite cyclops

I am a bit surprised you didn't combine king cat:for Hernandez, however.  

Looking forward to the elephant/ M's series this weekend....
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